Chapter 4

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I laid motionless. He was putting his bottoms back on. Dumb me couldn't even fight him off, and now look. My stomach was burning, tears were hidden away in the water. Yet my cheeks were still red, and I was huffing out silent sobs.

I wanted to save that.

And yet he... He took it. It was supposed to be for someone special. Someone I loved. Not their shadow, never the darker version. Not someone evil.

My body began to tingle as I regained some movement back. He touched my cheek. I flinched, moving my head away. "...Why..?" I whispered as he kissed my cheek. He left the blue tunic on me so I didn't drown. But during it all, I just wanted to die.

My bottom was uncovered, the belt of the tunic was off for easier access to my chest. My entire body was cold. His hands were cold. Those eyes were cold. That grin was cold.

It hurts.

I closed my eyes and sobbed. He ran his fingers through my hair. "You know you're beautiful, Y/n... If you weren't, I would've been able to resist..." He spoke, kissing my lips.

I laid limp, wanting it all to stop. He kidnapped me, changed me, and took my virginity- and now he wants me to love him! I shook my head and tried to wiggle away. But he only gripped my wrists together.

"Do I... Need to repeat myself..?" He muttered, licking his lips. I whimpered and shook my head once more. "Good... Now, I know you're a perfect little lover, so I trust you know how to stay and listen, correct..?"

I didn't respond. I don't want to stay with him- I don't want to listen to that stupid voice! The one who called me beautiful as he acted like my body belonged to him...

He grabbed my face, digging his claws into my cheeks until blood swirled out. I cried, thrashing around. "P-please stop-" I whined, attempting to pry his hands away. But I was still too weak. Even at my strongest It'd never be enough.

He only held tighter. "You've been rude... I took you away from that miserable old lover... And this is what you do..?" He took his claws out and pet my cheek. I sniffled in response. "Now now... Why don't we do something couples do..?"

He pulled me onto his lap and began to comb my hair. He did so with a small comb. It felt nice with how he did it. Soft strokes, lightly brushing against my scalp... I wanted to lean into it, I really did... But he used my body like a mere toy. And the fact he went from destroying me to treating me like a princess...

It scared me.

He could love me... He could treat me like the world. Like the star of his life, the bee to his flower, honey to the bear! Or he can be the harsh claws, the sharp sting, the painful burns. Anything... And shift so easily... It'd be hard to trust him.

Dark hummed a small tune and the cabin drained. It was like a polder, making everything dry for people to live. I whimpered at the sudden rush of warmth. The fire flickered on and I clutched onto him. When I realized what I did, it was too late.

"Oh~ looks like you do love me, lil Y/n!" He teased, beggining to braid my hair. It was somehow dry. I let out a breathy sigh and let him do as he wished. Who knows, maybe he'll be nice if I 'enjoy' it... "There we go, melt into it, Y/n."

I leaned against him. All I want is some sleep, not whatever this is. I didn't want to sit on the same lap that caused so much pain, yet I didn't want to move either should he do it again.

"Now that you're calm, theres something I'd like to say..." Dark murmured, tilting my head up to look him in the eye. "You know how Link has been at the farm helping, right?"

I meekly nodded. He was helping Malon with farm chores. And she was my best friend, we always talk and sew together. So what about it? What is it?

"They don't do farm chores."

Those words hit me like a carriage. Link always said he was helping Malon. Its been that way for the past month since her dad was getting older. And I've just sat at home, welcoming him back and asking how his day went. He... He betrayed me...

No! Dark Links telling me this! Its not true! It can't be. Link was always there. He loved me and only me, right? Right?? I shuddered.

"You're... You're lying..." I croaked out, hiding my tears. This was the man that hurt me. He has to be lying. But... He shook his head. "Please say Im just dreaming..."

"Not a dream, my love~ just horrible fate."

Don't cry, Y/n. Its just a simple betrayal is all. Just one bad thing, I've been through worse. Dark is lying. He's lying. Liar.

"You're lying. You have to be." I stated confidently. Dark won't have control this time. I won't allow it.

He only chuckled and set me on the bed. No... No, not again! Not again! I started squirming, trying to make sure I can't be touched.

Dark grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the bed. Its... Its gonna happen again... I might get pregnant if he does... "Look Y/n, its your choice to believe it or not. I could be lying, I could not. Whatever you want to think."

"Now, Im hungry. Why dont you do your womanly job and make me some food?" He released me.


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