00- she is a beauty unmatched

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     She was a beauty to behold. Truly. Her hair hung in dark ringlets around her small face and her eyes were as dark as the sky before a storm, crackling with untamed energy. But her face gave away nothing– it was as polished as marble, not an imperfection in sight.

It was as though she were an angel in human form. Her laugh was as sweet as chocolate and as light as the sun on a summers day and her voice, oh her voice. It could soothe even the restless of souls.

That, at least, was what Remus Lupin had decided as soon as he discovered the enigma that was Calypso Allaire.

The first time he had ever seen her, he had been tucked away in the library; a book in one hand and a small bar of chocolate in the other. The towering rows of old texts and knowledge hid him away from the rest of the world, sheltering him as he sat by the window and let himself find reprieve in a book in which he could forget who he was, what he was.

He had been in first year then and never had he been more nervous, for the first full moon was in less than a week and he couldn't suppress the feeling of terror that now clung to him night and day. The ache in his bones and the pounding of his heart seemed to grow louder, more erratic, with each passing day. Coming to Hogwarts, making friends, finally feeling like he belonged– it was all too good to be true.

How could he, an abomination – a monster – ever deserve such a life. But still he hoped beyond hope that he could stay. He had been so scared, so, so scared from the moment he stepped foot upon that train that someone would discover his secret.

Dumbledore had promised all would be well, that he knew of a place where Remus could transform and wouldn't harm anyone but even Dumbledore couldn't promise that. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon his small shoulders and Remus couldn't even talk to a single soul about it.

And that was when Remus Lupin met Calypso Allaire.

It was in a flurry of sunlight and curls that she rounded the corner that day, with far too many books stacked so high that she could only just about see over them, and caught sight of a thin, pale, and terribly sorrowful boy hidden away.

He had looked up then, as the rustle of paper and click of shoes had caught his attention, and spotted the small girl who carried far too many books. It was then he realised she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. Her grey eyes seemed to snag onto his form, assessing him silently and he caught himself staring back.

"Would you like some help?" He had asked quietly, voice shaking slightly almost as though he was afraid he would unveil his thoughts by merely speaking.

She seemed to tilt her head then and her eyebrows dipped a fraction– if that, for the motion was so slight Remus thought he might've imagined it. And then she delicately placed her stack of books upon an unoccupied table and walked towards him, her hands clasped behind her back.

Her dark hair shined auburn in the afternoon light and Remus couldn't help but notice how pristine her uniform was; her tie was straight, her shirt held no creases and her socks were pulled up to precisely an inch below her knees. She was a ravenclaw and she even had an Alice band to match her house colours placed neatly atop her head.
  She was dainty looking but also most certainly not. Her nose was sharp and her jaw even more so. But her cheeks were round and rosy and small dimples were dotted each side of her mouth. Instantly he knew then that she had a beautiful smile.

She studied him as he studied her and then, as though suddenly realising he'd been staring far too long, Remus cleared his throat as his cheeks warmed. All the while she stood before him, unfazed by his pink face.

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now