03- she takes her coffee black don't forget the honey

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Tuesday morning shot around faster than a shooting star.

Once again Anita had dragged Calypso from the warmth of her bed and into the significantly chiller great hall all so that she could nab the best pancakes. Calypso had managed to at least throw her hair into a scruffy plait before she had been whisked away to breakfast, her hair flying out behind her.

Amanda had, unluckily for her, not evaded Anita's morning terror routine this time. She also had a prefect meeting before classes even began.
Suffice to say, both Amanda and Calypso had not had a great start to the second day back at Hogwarts. Amanda had stomped off loudly down the corridor, her bloodshot eyes scaring any loud mouth Slytherins (Evan Rosier to name names) who particularly liked poking at her.

Calypso had once more loaded her bowl full of fruit and was munching on them thoughtfully as Anita shovelled yet another load of pancakes into her mouth. Her friend was obsessed.

"Herbology with the Hufflepuffs will be good." Anita muffled out suddenly.

"Mm," Calypso nodded her head swallowing a particularly tart piece of pineapple. Once again, there were no oranges but she refrained from searching one out, one because she was shattered and two, she really didn't need to tempt fate. "It'll be nice to catch up with Dorcas."

Anita cocked her head then. "Dorcas Meadows? Is she doing Herbology this year?"

"Yes, Ani." Said Calypso. "We had this conversation on the train when we bumped into her remember?"

Dorcas Meadows was one of the only people other than Amanda and Anita that Calypso would consider a true friend of hers. Dorcas was a cheery, loving, firecracker of a girl and her hair was as big as her heart. She was a ray of sunshine.
  Calypso had met Dorcas in second year when they had been partnered up to do a project on the healing properties and life span of the mandrake plant. They had clicked and the project had won them top marks in Herbology, as well as a beautiful friendship.

"Oh," Anita clicked her fingers as the memory resurfaced. "Of course!"

"Of course." Calypso smiled at her friend and shook her head.

Anita had a strangely bad memory for someone who loved gossip as much as she did. Perhaps it was those pancakes.

"Oh dear," Anita slapped her hand to her forehead. "Transfiguration with Gryffindor straight after, I totally forgot. Blast."

"What's so wrong with Gryffindor this time?"

"Well I just remembered that McGonagall assigns us seats doesn't she? What's the betting that I'll be next to bloody Black. Again." She scowled as she uttered his name.

At that Calypso did wince.

Anita had been partnered up with Sirius Black in third year for a whole term in History of Magic (on the rare occasion they shared class with Gryffindor) and the incessant arguing between them had reached a crescendo when Sirius planted a dung bomb in Anita's satchel and set it off during class.

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now