05- she sings like an angel

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Exactly one hour later, try outs had ended and Calypso found herself in the changing rooms surrounded by muddy and sweaty quidditch players. Their nervous but excited chatter seemed to swirl around her and Calypso caught the slight scowl on Anita's face.

Sitting with three of the four marauders had certainly been an interesting experience to say the least. Not only that but she'd also discovered that Remus Lupin smelled strongly of blossom and vanilla with a hint of lavender. It was a strange combination but somehow it worked just right on Remus.

Had she— had she just been daydreaming about Remus' smell? Incredulously, Calypso shook the thoughts from her head. Honestly, all the early mornings were getting too her, she really needed a chunk of solid sleep.

"People!" Anita snapped suddenly and Calypso felt her gaze focus in on her friend then. "Focus please."

Anita was seemingly agitated, her jaw was clenched and her fingers dug into the wood of her broom. The rest of the Ravenclaw team shifted uneasily.

Glancing at Amanda to her side, Calypso felt her brows furrow. Why was Anita being so snappy?

Amanda caught her gaze and shrugged, although even she seemed to be a little wary of their blonde friend.

"The results will be in the Ravenclaw common room on Monday, so make sure to look got it?" Eyeing each of the candidates in the room she waited for everyone to nod.

The team looked to each other and shifted on their feet. Calypso caught Anita's eye then and she silently widened her eyes at her friend, hoping she would pick up what she was trying to hint at. Sometimes people needed some words of encouragement, after all Anita had been in their place four years ago.

Thankfully, Anita did catch Calypso's prompting stare and sighed, rubbing her head. "Well done today everyone, you all really impressed me now go and eat something. And shower please."

Smiles suddenly blossomed all around the room and Calypso grinned.

Everyone trundled out then with calls of enthusiastic goodbye and laughs, until only Amanda, Anita and Calypso were left. The smell of sweat still hung in the air and the changing rooms had a definite damp feel to them. Once again, Calypso was reminded as to why she preferred watching rather than playing.

"What's wrong, Ani?" Calypso broke the silence first and cautiously approached her friend, laying a soft hand on her shoulder.

"Bloody Potter that's what." Anita groaned and then shook her head.

"James?" Repeated Calypso confused. She glanced to Amanda again but her dark haired friend held the same confusion in her eyes.

"What about Potter?" Asked Amanda stepping forwards. "Did he say something to you after try outs?"

Anita shook her head again and sat herself down on one of the benches. "We just need to beat Gryffindor this year. We're going to pulverise them."

"Ani...?" Calypso frowned, her friend seemed to be talking to herself.

"Sorry." Anita took a deep breath and then looked to Amanda and Calypso. "I don't mean to be snappy I just— it's my first year as captain and I want us to win so badly. We can't lose, especially not to Gryffindor."

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