11- she eats lots of ice mice

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The much anticipated (friendly) match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, had been a success for Ravenclaw. Thank goodness.

Calypso had actually had nightmares Friday night of what Anita would do if Slytherin somehow won. But they hadn't and Ravenclaw had been in high spirits the rest of Saturday.
In fact, Anita was so happy they'd won she'd made Calypso and Amanda promise to go to down the Three Broomsticks on Sunday to have a celebratory drink. Which is how they'd ended up in a particularly precarious situation.

They'd made it to the Three Broomsticks in good time, wrapped up so much that you could barely see any of their faces. Calypso even put on her colourful fluffy gloves that seemed to magically warm her heart as well as her hands. But it was three butterbeers later that the problems began.

It had been harmless at first, really. The girls had been enjoying themselves, Dorcas had even joined them. She'd huddled up next to Amanda who, for someone who didn't particularly enjoy physical contact, was quite content with Dorcas leaning into her and stealing her warmth. Calypso and Anita had been huddled on the other side and pleasant conversation had flowed between them all.

Until the marauders arrived. Chaos naturally followed them wherever they went so Calypso really should've known that something would come of o arrival but alas.

The girls didn't spot them until the four troublemakers had meandered up to the bar and caused a bout of raucous laughter.

Immediately upon sighting them, a scowl overtook Anita's face. She was still particularly sour towards Sirius, the years hadn't dampened her deep dislike for him and once Anita's mind was made up about someone there really wasn't much anyone could do to change it.
  Not that Calypso thought it was particularly fair on Sirius, he really wasn't that bad.

And then Lily Evans and her friends walked in, bypassed an excited James Potter and sat themselves right next to the marauders at the bar. The four Gryffindor's had become seven.

"Gosh, if I knew it was going to be a mothers meeting for Gryffindor's I would've  suggested the HogsHead instead." Anita muttered.

"It is public knowledge that they all like to come here at weekends." Said Amanda, but she had already turned back to Dorcas before Anita could respond.

Anita pulled a face and then turned to Calypso. "If we don't make eye contact they won't see us."

"Right." Calypso nodded slowly, sipping her butter beer. She didn't have the heart to tell her friend that the Gryffindor's had actually already spotted them.

In actual fact it had been Calypso herself who had outed their position. Unintentionally.
  She'd only glanced back towards the marauders for a second and met Peter's eyes, it seemed as though he was looking for a table for them all to sit at. She'd given him a little smile and his face had lit up.

"Calypso! Hi!" Peter shouted a little, his hand flew into the air enthusiastically and then six more sets of eyes landed upon their table.

She choked on her butterbeer and coughed. Anita, Amanda and Dorcas were all staring at her but Calypso tried her best to ignore them, especially Anita's burning glare. She couldn't just ignore them.

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now