09- she is actually pretty nosy

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"I swear, if I ever see that boy I'm going to blow his brains out." Anita seethed as she spooned another dollop of yoghurt into her mouth.

Amanda and Calypso both simultaneously raised their eyebrows.

"Not," Anita glared at the two girls and wagged her finger, "like that you dirty minded people."

The three of them were sat together for breakfast, bright and early as usual. It had been a task and a half for Calypso to get the two of them into bed the previous night, because all they'd wanted to do was find Rosier and beat him to a pulp. Which was fair enough but still.

Her friends had taken one look at her patched up but, by then, slightly bruised face and Calypso could've sworn that actual fire burned behind both their eyes.

"I for one, think we should curse him. It would be amusing." Said Amanda. She was spreading various jams onto her toast.

"But what kind of curse are we talking here? It needs to be malicious enough to cause some real damage." Anita tapped her spoon against her bowl and frowned. "What about a curse to last generations."

"Better a curse to end generations. Imagine his spawn walking around, yuck." Mumbled Amanda.

"The castration curse?" Calypso supplied.

Gently touching her cheek, now slightly sore and a little swollen after a good nights sleep, Calypso stirred some honey into her very black coffee. In fact, she added three teaspoons of it. Merlin knew she needed it.

Amanda nodded and Anita hummed, "Castration curse. Now that's a definite contender."

"If you look in the restricted section right at the back, you'll find a potion that does that." Dorcas smiled lightly as she sat next to Calypso, her friends hand found her own and gave it a squeeze.

"You look pretty badass," whispered Dorcas softly. At that, Calypso smiled.

Amanda had already told Calypso that she'd informed Dorcas what had happened as she'd ran into her on her nighttime patrol (from which Remus had once again been absent). Apparently Dorcas had then filled in Remus' spot and the two of them had had a lovely time—Anita's words not Amanda's.

Anita's eyebrows seemed to disappear into her hairline then. "Why are you looking at castration potions, Dorcas?"

"Why shouldn't she?" Countered Amanda who once again was looking at Dorcas with newfound respect.

"Okay," Anita raised her hands in surrender. "I'll ask no questions."

A pause then—

"So that castration potion?"

Dorcas nodded, her hair bouncing, and smiled, "next time I'm in the restricted section, I'll grab the book for you guys."

"Fabulous." Anita then looked at each of them with a ponderous face. "In the meantime, what are we doing?"

"Anita," Calypso gave her friend a look. "Professor McGonagall already said she's talked to Dumbledore about it and Rosier is being sent home for remainder of this term."

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now