08- she adores white roses

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    He had abandoned her in Ancient Runes. Not that it upset her, no. Never. Why should she be upset? It wasn't as though she'd come to really look forward to the one class that they shared together, just the two of them.
It wasn't like she was now actively searching him out at dinner or lunch or in shared Gryffindor classes because that would be strange. Very strange. Calypso didn't do pining. Which whatever it was that she was doing was not, because she didn't do pining.

A groan of frustration slipped from her lips as her mind continued to focus on anything but what Professor Babbling was saying. Or rather, it was focused on Remus Lupin, once again.

She absolutely hated this strange thing that was happening to her but even so she couldn't begrudge Remus, after all he'd only been the nicest, kindest, loveliest boy and—

Calypso squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. Stop it, she reprimanded herself. You sound obsessed.

Perhaps telling Anita and Amanda would be a good idea, they'd know exactly how to cure this bout of Remus fever that seemed to occupy her every thought. But then again she wasn't sure she was quite ready to endure the teasing that would accompany it. Maybe Dorcas then? Oh, why couldn't things be simple.

It was safe to say that the rest of her Ancient Runes class went just as slowly as a snail travelling from Scotland to Australia. In fact, matters were made worse when Professor Babbling insisted that Calypso partner up with Henry Growell for the remainder of the time. Henry, though averagely handsome with his dark hair, bright eyes and fairly friendly manner was not the best partner. He talked constantly.

Over the course of the lesson, Calypso learnt that Henry Growell was a Hufflepuff who had no sense of personal space and seemed to think every girl he came across was his future wife. And so the next hour of Ancient Runes consisted of Calypso politely fending off Henry's questions which pertained to future children, how many pets she wanted and what her dream guy was. And Professor Babbling had set them a ton of research homework by the end of it.

She was drained by the time the bell rang to say the least. But not drained enough to know she should probably get out before Henry, lest he follow her.

"Lovely chatting to you Calypso," Henry stared at and attempted a strange kind of wink, she felt herself inwardly cringe. "Perhaps we should grab a drink in Hogsmeade sometime."

Calypso blinked, momentarily stunned. "Oh Henry, I don't know, probably not."

Henry merely nodded slowly and sighed. "It's okay, figured there was no harm in asking. Did I come on too strong?"

"You're nice Henry," Calypso patted his hand once and then let her arms fall back to her sides. "Just, maybe tone it down a bit. I'd drop the wink."

He nodded and gathered the rest of his things together just as Calypso had finished packing her bag.

"I'd like to be friends though," Henry said suddenly as Calypso turned to go. "If you want to be friends that is... Ancient Rune friends?"

Pausing, Calypso looked at Henry's hopeful face and felt herself crumble a little.

She knew his only friend was a Hufflepuff in the year below them who also happened to be his sister– which was pretty cool in its own way. Not that she was going to be friends with him because she pitied him– no, she was going to be friends with him because perhaps Henry just needed a second chance. After all, it didn't kill to be kind.

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now