06- she cuts her toast into tiny triangles

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     Sunday hit Calypso in the face like a ton of bricks. She groaned as she rolled over, stretching upwards with feline like gracefulness. Her head was nestled comfortably against her silken pillows and she was amidst a tangle of sheets. Her whole body ached, and her head felt like it was pulsing.

And then she sat bolt upright. The events of the night suddenly bombarded her bleary brain. Rubbing both eyes with her hands then, she took in the sight in front of her.

Anita was sprawled out on the wooden floor, her mouth was open as it usually was when she was in a deep sleep. In one hand she grasped her duvet which was hazardously thrown over her legs and arm, and in the other her favourite teddy; Monkey, who did also happen to be a purple monkey.

But it wasn't that that made Calypso swallow a giggle; it was the very real form of the one and only Dorcas Meadows curled up next to Amanda.

Her Hufflepuff friend was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday albeit her shirt was half open and a lacy blue bra seemed to wink at Calypso. Moreover, Dorcas had half a head of braids, the other half of her hair was seemingly acting as a pillow for Amanda's face.

The two girls were resting peacefully on Amanda's bed, Amanda even had the smallest smile gracing her face as she seemed to snuggle deeper into Dorcas' halo of hair. The occasional snore would slip free from Amanda's mouth and then Dorcas would mumble something incoherent in her sleep.

Chocolate and sweet wrappers littered the floor, seemingly caging Anita in, and Calypso caught sight of the firewhisky bottles that had rolled under Anita's bed.
At the sight of the alcohol, Calypso suddenly remembered just how well their girls night had gone.

Anita had been the one to break out the bottles of firewhisky and surprisingly announced that she had invited Dorcas because, bless her, she was an honorary Ravenclaw at heart. Though, how Anita managed to get them a whole crate of firewhisky was besides her. However, Calypso happily drank it, no questions asked.
  Dorcas had rocked up to their dorm before Anita had even started opening the bottles and really, it went downhill from there. Already, Anita had jumped straight into a story of how she'd already managed to gain a young admirer from Gryffindor (his name was Shaun apparently) and proceeded to detail to them all exactly why she'd never date anyone younger than her.

Amanda of course had tons of stories to tell as well— she was a prefect after all and apparently lots of students didn't wait to settle into term before getting up to mischief.

The endless chatter had gone well past midnight and into the early morning. The chocolate had not lasted long. Sadly, the four girls managed to gobble it all up before the clock even stuck twelve. It was only as all the girls had begun to sway slightly that they had decided to end the night with a bang.
Dorcas had actually been the one to suggest a drinking game and it had been Calypso who had taken the first honorary swig to start said game. From what Calypso remembered, it had been like 'truth or dare' but had ended up being 'truth and take a swig'.

Calypso had deftly managed to avoid any mention of crushes and boys by taking many many gulps from her bottle of firewhisky. Though she vaguely remembered feeling awfully flustered when Anita asked everyone who they thought the most attractive person in Hogwarts was.
Choosing the lesser of two evils, Calypso went for the obvious— Frank Longbottom. After all he was charming and extremely good looking, besides she'd known how much ridicule she would get if she said who she actually thought it was.

𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝑀𝑒𝓁𝑜𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓈 - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now