Tendrils of Frost

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Just as Aizawa was about to accidentally fall asleep, tendrils of frost began to creep up the walls. He stood up quickly and looked at Todoroki. He was drenched in sweat. He arched his back up and was groaning like he was in pain.

Thick ice quickly begun to skate up the wall. Aizawa thought fast and erased his quirk before any serious damage could be done.

The inability of Todoroki's body to make ice seemed to stress it out more. He opened his mouth and gritted his teeth, still unconscious. He clenched his fists and his breathing was thick, labored.

Deku opened his eyes to see what was going on. He looked at the ceiling and saw frost. He immediately jumped up, remembering that Todoroki was ill.

Aizawa began to speak. "I need you to wake him up as kindly as you can. But make it quick, I can't erase his quirk forever and the split second it would take for me to blink would be enough time for his ice to make a hole in the roof." Deku nodded and sat next to Todoroki on the bed.

He brushed the hair out of Todoroki's face and grabbed his hand. "Todoroki you need to wake up." Nothing. "Todoroki." Aizawa called. Finally Deku raised his voice. "Shoto!"

Todoroki quickly tried to jolt into a sitting position, but fell backwards about half way there. Deku grabbed him before he hit the bed.

"AGH!" Todoroki cried out. "What's wrong?" Deku asked, worried. Todoroki pushed his fingers on his left hand back. "My hand is cramping up." Todoroki closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. "Really badly."

Aizawa sat in front of them on the bed. "Let me see." Todoroki held out his hand. Aizawa held the fingers back and began to massage into the palm of his hand and down the inside of his forearm. Todoroki looked like it was only causing him more pain at first, then the cramp started to subside.

Todoroki closed his eyes and leaned against Midoriya, covering the part of his chest he was leaning against in frost. The cramp got a little worse for a moment.

Aizawa spoke up. "I think the cramping in your hand is from overuse of your quirk. Theoretically it would take a lot less for the right side of your body to reach this point because of the muscles for that quirk being less trained. But because it is less instinctual for your body to use that side, it hasn't been happening."

Todoroki nodded, half asleep. The cramping in his hand finally subsided and he fell asleep against Midoriya, frosting a large chunk of his torso. Aizawa knew he wasn't getting any sleep anytime soon, but helped Deku get Todoroki into a better position so that those two could go back to sleep.

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