No Food

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"Maybe we should get some food in him?" Uraraka suggested. "It always helps me stay awake." She looked down shyly. Todoroki went pale. "N-no, I'm not hungry."

"How long has it been since you've eaten, Todoroki-kun?" Deku asked. Todoroki put his hand over his stomach and sat up. "I don't know. Since dinner night before last I think. I'm really fine."

The nebulizer's humming turned to a higher whine. Aizawa took the mask off of Todoroki's face and switched it off.

"Maybe we should get him something to eat. That might be contributing to his low energy." Midoriya said to Uraraka. She nodded. Aizawa looked at Todoroki and then back at the other two. "Children."

Todoroki's breathing got heavier. He put his hand to his forehead and tried to emit frost. Aizawa stopped him. "Children."

"I'll go get him some bread. Maybe that will be fairly easy to digest." Deku added. He stood up. Uraraka got up to follow him.

Todoroki put his hand over his mouth and used his other one to help him stand up. Todoroki began to turn a pale shade of green. Aizawa stood up and put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "CHILDREN."

Uraraka and Deku quickly turned to face the other two. Todoroki hiccuped, one hand still over his mouth and the other leaning him against the wall. "Why are you two ignoring Todoroki?!" Aizawa scolded.

Todoroki jumped from the loud voice. "We aren't, we were just going to get him something to eat." Uraraka responded. Todoroki put his other hand over his mouth and hiccuped again. "Well, he clearly doesn't want that. And Midoriya, you've had this illness before. You of all people should know how little it makes you want to eat." The two hung their heads, embarrassed.

Todoroki's eyes began to pool up. A mixture of a hiccup and a sob came out. He put one of his hands to his stomach, the other still at his mouth, and pulled away from Aizawa. He ran, as well as he could currently run, back away from them. He ran back towards his dorm room.

"Shit." Aizawa muttered from under his breath.

Todoroki felt something grab his right elbow. He looked back to see Aizawa holding onto an extended capture weapon. Shoto fell to his knees, both of his hands gripping onto their respective parts.

Aizawa gave the capture weapon some slack, allowing him to retrieve it. He ran towards Todoroki, the other two already ahead of him.

Todoroki's eyes were slammed shut, his tears falling in waterfalls to the floor. His mouth was a mixture of hiccups, coughs, sobs, and gags. He grabbed Midoriya's hand with the hand that was originally on his mouth. Deku noted the small amount of blood on his hand. He wanted to look to Aizawa for advice, but kept his attention on Todoroki.

"I-'m go-in' to-be s-si-ck." Todoroki got out in between sobs. Deku looked at him, worried.

"I know."

Sick Todoroki (Sick MHA 3)Where stories live. Discover now