Almost Asthma

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A few minutes into their walk, Todoroki started coughing and wheezing. "Todoroki, are you okay?" Aizawa asked. Todoroki nodded and continued walking, still faintly wheezing.

Uraraka and Deku looked at each other. Shoto looked back at them and then down to the ground. "I'm really okay. Sometimes if I overuse the heat side of my quirk, it makes my stomach hurt from overheating. A similar thing happens with my ice side. I end up freezing one of my lungs in place. I'm not going to die, plenty of people operate with only one lung. It's not permanent. Just pretend it's asthma or something."

Todoroki's voice got quiet towards the end of his explanation, almost to a mumble. He put his hand on the wall and started coughing, again. This cough was less scratchy and more whistle-y. "Todoroki-kun, are you okay?" Deku asked. Shoto put his hand out. "I'm fine." He managed to get out between coughs.

"Maybe you should sit down, yeah?" Uraraka asked. "No, I'm-," He continued to cough. "I'm okay." He took in a deep breath. As deep as he could, anyways. It wheezed all the way in and out. "Sit down." Aizawa asked. "I'm fine." "Sit." He commanded. Todoroki sat down as quickly as he could.

Aizawa noticed Todoroki's lips were beginning to turn blue. "I could get him some tea?" Uraraka suggested. Todoroki's face went paler than it already was. "No tea, please." "Go get him a lukewarm glass of water and a nebulizer from the living room closet. There should also be an inhaler in the first aid, get that too. There's little sticks of clear liquid in the first aid. Those go with the nebulizer." Aizawa ordered.

"Uraraka go get the first aid kit. I'll get the water and the nebulizer." Izuku quickly directed. He sped off. Uraraka went the opposite direction for the first aid kit.

A few minutes later, Izuku returned with what he was sent after. Aizawa plugged the nebulizer into a nearby wall socket and handed Todoroki the cup of water. He tried to drink it, but he coughed it back up. "Slower." Aizawa instructed.

Uraraka returned with the first aid kit. Aizawa opened it. He took out a mask, the inhaler, and broke off one of those clear sticks. He unscrewed the mask from a container on the bottom of it and popped off the top of the stick to put the liquid inside. He then screwed up the mask and attached it to the clear tube attached to the nebulizer.

Aizawa put the mask over Todoroki's face and flipped on the switch. Todoroki put the elastic over his head as the nebulizer began to emit a loud humming sound. A gas began to fill the mask. Aizawa turned to Uraraka and Midoriya to show them how to use the inhaler.

Todoroki's perception of the conversation began to be drowned out by the sound of the nebulizer. His vision began to get blurry as his wheezing died down. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. All he could hear was the humming of the nebulizer getting further and further away.

Todoroki felt a hand on his. He opened his eyes to see Midoriya sitting next to him. "You have to stay awake, okay?" Todoroki nodded.

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