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Shoto opened his eyes and looked up to the ceiling. It was a creamy white. The walls of the shower were laced in droplets from the warm water.

Shoto's stomach grumbled. It reminded him how long it had been since he'd had a proper meal.

But that reminded him of food.

Shoto quickly stood up to turn the water to a cooler temperature. Colder than comfortable, but it felt like steam was coming off of his skin from how hot he felt.

He could imagine the hiss his skin normally makes when he feels this warm, then it starts to rain. But now he wasn't training his right side. He was trying not to use either. Substituting a shower for his usual temperature regulations.

Todoroki's stomach began to come up his throat, unable to get his skin to stop scalding.

He lifted his head and arms out of the shower. The mirror over the sink was fogged up. He lifted the toilet lid and threw up.

'That was too loud.' He thought.

*knock knock*

"Todoroki, are you okay in there?" Aizawa asked through the door.

"YEAH." Todoroki shouted, weakly.

He shivered. Suddenly he was freezing.

Not literally. In fact, the opposite started to happen. He couldn't get to the tap. He was too focused on the fact he had just thrown up.


Todoroki didn't even hear the steam being made out of the water sliding down his arms. Nor did he see it.

Aizawa noticed the sound, first. It sounded like Shoto was making bacon.

Then he noticed the smoke coming out from under the crack in the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Aizawa asked, a little firmer than before.

Shoto didn't answer, still focused on the contents of the toilet.

"I'm coming in." Aizawa stated cautiously before opening the door.

What he saw nearly broke his heart.

"Shoto." He pushed his hand over the teen's eyes and closed the toilet lid.

The heat on the base of his palm made him jump back. Shoto immediately fixed his gaze on his teacher.

"I'm sorry. I guess I should have called you in when I began to feel ill." Todoroki apologized.

"Todoroki, you're burning up. Literally. This is the first time you've involuntarily used your right side during this illness. Do you feel worse than before?" Aizawa questioned. Shoto shook his head.

"No. I guess I was just cold." Aizawa stuck his hand under the water. "Well, of course you were cold. This water is freezing."

Aizawa adjusted the water to a more lukewarm temperature. "Whenever this stops, put on your clothes and come back out. I'll be waiting. We aren't out of the woods, yet." Shoto nodded.

"It doesn't." Bakugou lowered his voice.

"I know it doesn't." Deku responded, sheepishly.

"No. You know, but you don't know. No one is ever going to reject you for scars. Especially when you're the number two hero. They know what they're getting into. Plus, I'm sure whoever you're interested in already likes you, too. You've got nearly the entirety of the first years wrapped around your finger." Bakugou teased.

Deku quickly hugged Bakugou. Katsuki tensed up. 'I'm trying to get better. I'm trying to get better.'

Deku let go and Bakugou took a deep breath in. "Please don't touch me." "Whatever you say, Kacchan."

Sick Todoroki (Sick MHA 3)Where stories live. Discover now