"Yes, sir."

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There was a knock at the door, cutting the conversation off.

"Deku?" A high pitched, feminine and familiar voice called out. "Todoroki-kun?" A lower pitched, but still feminine and familiar voice followed.

Aizawa opened the door to see three worried students on the other side. "What are you three doing here?" Aizawa asked.

"Midoriya ran off in such a hurry. We debated, but ultimately decided it was best to follow him." Iida answered. Tsu and Uraraka both nodded their heads in agreement.

Aizawa looked back at Midoryia, who was still holding Todoroki like his life depended on it. He looked back to the other teenagers.

"Yeah, well Midoryia is just fine. Goodbye."

He closed the door.

"Just like that?" Tsu asked. "Come on, our teacher has instructed us to leave. I'm worried about them as-well, but he clearly doesn't want us in there." Iida began to walk away, Tsu following him.

"You guys are just going to stand there and not try to help?" Uraraka started. "Tsu, I thought you were going to try to be more.... Action based? Is that how you would describe it? Either way we've got to do something for our friends!"

Tsu took a deep breath. "Look Ochako, I can't physically help here if something goes wrong. Todoroki's quirk will put me into hibernation. I would only be a hinderance. So what I'm going to do is go ask the class what blanket we should make for the sick person this time, since it's basically become a tradition at this point. You can do whatever, just don't get in their way."

"Well said Tsuyu-san. I will also assist in blanket making." Iida applauded. Tsu looked like she was going to correct him, but decided against it and instead began to walk to the common room, Iida in tow.

Bakugou just couldn't get the thought out of his head. Something was wrong with this illness. He would personally be escorting Todoroki to recovery girl tomorrow, no matter how awful Shoto felt. If Bakugou didn't get this sample processed and the results back, he would just go crazy. No illness had ever put him on his ass like that and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

When Deku raced up the stairs it piqued his interest a bit. Then the three dimwits followed. But what really bothered him is that out of the four of them, only half of them came back down. Did Aizawa really need help? How bad was this illness effecting Todoroki? Bad enough that he would burn Deku with his lesser used quirk he supposed. Not that he cared.

After 10 minutes of working up confidence, Uraraka finally knocked again. Aizawa answered a second time. "Uraraka I told you to leave." "I know sir, but if there's any possible way to help," "Look kid, I'm dealing with it. If you want to help, go help with the blanket. Or go train. Your weight tolerance with your quirk is still pathetic." Uraraka was taken aback, but she nodded.

"Yes, sir."

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