Burnt Deku

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Deku put his hand on Todoroki's back. He felt Todoroki began to heat up. "I-it's s-so ho-ot." Todoroki gagged.

Flames whirred to life on one side of his body, while he actively tried to counter-act it with his left side.

In the few moments before Aizawa was able to stop it, Todoroki's left side had fully encased his left arm in ice and frosted a large area up the walls and onto the ceiling around him. His right side had managed to fully burn through his shirt and char the floor next to him. Midoriya also suffered a second degree burn on the outside of his arm before he could pull away.

It all happened in an instant, within the blink of an eye, but it left all of them shaken.

Once Aizawa's quirk was activated, Todoroki's stomach finally came up onto the floor.

Shoto hyperventilated for a moment before turning his head to look at Midoriya, immediately seeing the burn. "Deku?" Uraraka motioned towards him. Todoroki tried to stand up. He wavered at first, but was able to stand on his own, adrenaline running through him still.

Deku looked at everyone. "I-I'm fine, really. It doesn't even hurt." He said, trying not to look at it.

Todoroki began to step towards him. "We should get some cold water on that before it blisters-."

Todoroki's eyes began to roll back into his head. His legs gave out forwards, but his head fell backwards.

Uraraka acted fast. She managed to touch the top of his head and activate her quirk before he hit the ground.

"Uraraka, can you take Todoroki back to his room? I'm going to check out Midoriya's burn and show him how to treat it. I'll be up in a few minutes." Aizawa instructed. "Yes, sir." Uraraka said as she began to float Todoroki back up to his room.

Aizawa turned to Deku. "Let me see the burn." Deku hesitantly put his arm out for Aizawa.

As Aizawa looked at the burn, Deku began to calm down and collect himself again. When his adrenaline finally calmed down, he began to feel the burn.

At first it was just a little bit of a tingling sensation, then a bit of stinging. But once he finally looked at it, it began to feel like fire.

He pulled his arm from Aizawa and sucked in a breath of air through his teeth. He shook his arm and then began to fan it with his other hand. "Okay, maybe it hurts a little." Aizawa starred at him. Deku's eyes got wide and he began to blow on it. "Or a little more than a little." "It looks like a second or third degree burn. Is the pain around the burn or around and on it?" "Both." Deku hissed. "It's most likely only a second degree, then." "That's good." Deku squeaked while grinding his teeth. "Go run some cold water on it. You don't need to come back until Todoroki wakes up again, so run it under the water as long as possible." Deku nodded.

Aizawa turned to walk back to Todoroki's dorm. Deku began to walk back to his.

Aizawa walked into the dorm room to find Todoroki asleep on top of Uraraka. She shushed Aizawa. "How is he?" Aizawa asked. "No more quirk malfunctioning, yet. But he woke up as soon as he hit the bed and thought I was Midoriya. He asked me to lay down with him. I didn't want to make him upset, but I'm a little scared of not being able to move while his quirk is all funky."

There was a faint scream somewhere else in the dorms.

Deku finally reached his dorm room and shut the door. He rushed over to the cold water and turned it on. While it did eventually start to help, it felt like a branding iron at first. Izuku screamed, but immediately bit his free arm to silence it.

"Fuck." He huffed.

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