The Sparring

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Uraraka used her quirk. She used her free arm to touch Bakugou's hand. Then she made herself float as well.

Bakugou wasn't fazed. He was prepared for this.

Bakugou flew towards her using his quirk. It didn't require much. Just enough to get back within arms reach of her.

He collided into her softly. She had braced for impact, but there wasn't much to brace for. Bakugou was calculating enough to know that hitting her hard with his body would injure both of them.

Bakugou tried to grab her arm again. She dodged and grabbed his wrist. He charged up his arm and went for a right hook. Uraraka remembered how Deku had defended against this. Plus, with her martial arts training, she was fully capable of parrying this.

She grabbed his wrist before an explosion went off and used his momentum to flip him, stomach facing up. Bakugou used his free hand to set off an explosion and sent them both spinning into the air.

His best bet at this point was to speed up her nausea.

She let go of his hand and pressed the same pressure points her helmet does, focusing on a spot to avoid nausea.

Bakugou ended up above her.

With her back turned to him, Bakugou exploded towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He let go with one arm and put his hand above them, palm up.

He then let off an explosion powerful enough to send them into the ground.

Uraraka wasn't doing well. As she spun, her nausea began to take over. She knew Bakugou had meant to do that so that she would let go. However, she had no choice but to let go to try and manage her nausea.

The spinning began to slow. She opened her eyes and looked up, realizing she could no long see Bakugou.

Just then, there was an impact on her back. As she heard the explosion go off, she held onto his arm and kicked her legs.

She was successful in flipping them. Bakugou landed on his arm funny and she heard a crack.

Bakugou's other arm weighed on her stomach. She quickly lifted his arm off of her's and got up.

As the nausea overtook her, she threw up a few feet away from Bakugou's feet.

Bakugou used the arm on his chest to stand up and faced Uraraka, his other arm laying limply beside him, slowly turning purple.

He wiped his mouth and ran at Uraraka. She was still wiping her mouth from the sick in front of her.

She turned back to Bakugou. "Bakugou, stop!" She yelled.

He tackled her front and pinned her to the ground once again. He used his right arm to grab her hands and hold them above her head.

"Done! See? You'll always be nothing compared to me!" Bakugou shouted.

"Alright, alright, you win!" Uraraka's started. Bakugou grunted. "Now let's go get your arm looked at!" She said, loudly.

"My arm is fine!" Bakugou shouted once more. He let go of Uraraka and grabbed below his shoulder. "You're not fine! Let's go to the nurse." "She's asleep anyways." Bakugou gasped and hugged his limp arm to his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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