She's so perfect

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Jeremy's POV

"Michael!" I called out towards my best friend, whose back was facing me. Why couldn't he hear me? I guess I couldn't blame him, there were hundreds of other kids in the cafeteria.

I made my way through the swarms of students and staff members to get to Michael, but I could no longer see him. My eyes frantically scanned the huge room. I noticed him and Rich laughing and walking to the exit of the cafeteria. Where were they going? Did Michael forget about our lunch routine..? I watched them until they were no longer in sight, and just sat down at the table where the rest of my friends were. I sighed and rested my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Hey, are you okay, Jer?" Christine closed her book, leaving one of her fingers inside it to mark the page she left off on and turned to me. She looked at me concernedly. "You look upset," She placed her hand on my arm.

I looked down at my arm and then up at her. How could she tell? I didn't even know how I felt, really. Nevertheless, I smiled slightly. There's no way Christine is a real person, she's so perfect and wholesome to be real.

"Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry." I took her hand and intertwined it with mine. She seemed a bit taken aback, and I quickly let go. Did I do something wrong? Oh man I'm so stupid..

"Why'd you let go?" She mumbled. I could feel the heat rising to my face. "Ah..sorry,"

"Why are you saying sorry?" She giggled. "But seriously, you need to break that habit, Jeremy. You say sorry when you have nothing to be sorry for!"

"I kinda want to say it now.." I grinned.

"Dummy." She shook her head and smiled one of her perfect smiles. "But are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded and took her book. "Whatcha readin'?"

Her face lit up "Glad you asked! It's "The Comedy Of Errors" by William Shakespeare. It's a really funny play, you should read it!" I laughed. "We should act it out sometime, then."

"Yeah!" She pumped a fist energetically in the air. "Ooh wait, remember your "performance art?'"

"Uhh yeah.. that." I laughed sheepishly. That was when my SQUIP was "entering me." Jesus Christ that sounds wrong. Technically, I swallowed it so-.. okay never mind.

"We should do the one I suggested. Let's go to a bowling place that's not too close to here, though. Not sure if we'd want to get kicked out of our local one and one day be invited by friends but unable to go." I nodded. "Sure! When?"

"Whenever?" She grinned. "Alright, just say the word and I'll be there." I smiled and added finger guns to look cool but I bet I looked like a dork.

"Woo!" Christine then passed a small tin over to me. "I made these, they're gluten-free and nut-free. Oh, and I didn't use any dairy either, just in case."

I opened the tin and found a bunch of mini chocolate chip cookies. They looked really cute. I looked up at Christine and smiled. "Thanks Christine! They look very yummy. And it was really thoughtful of you for all those precautions."

She played around with her hands. "I'm glad you like them! I was kind of worried, actually..I spent all night long making them but it was worth it to see your smile."

How did I deserve this?? I felt like crying. "I love you so much." I said without thinking and I quickly covered my mouth. It was too soon for this right???

Christine's eyes widened. She took a moment and then smiled. "I you too, Jeremy..!" The bell rang, signifying that lunch was over. "Anyway, enjoy the cookies!" She side-hugged me  awkwardly and quickly left for class. The atmosphere was a bit weird, but I didn't care. Christine said she loved me and that's all that mattered.

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