what is "love"?

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Michael's POV

I had to listen to Jeremy gushing over Christine he whole car ride back to his house. It was cute at first and I'm glad that he's so happy, but 34 minutes talking about one person who isn't Bob Marley or Bruno Mars?? C'mon Jeremy. Enough is enough.

"Did I mention how pretty her smile is? And-"

"Yes, Jeremy. You've been obsessing over her smile for years. You don't have to keep reminding me." I cut in.

"Ah, right sorry. But I can't help it! Haven't you ever been in love?" He giggled. I reverted my eyes to the road and shrugged.

Have I? I didn't know. I remember "dating" some girl in the second grade for like a week? Oh and there was this girl in fifth grade. She threw her bag of goldfish at me when I wouldn't kiss her, though. I suppose I also remember thinking that some kids in our classes throughout the years were attractive.

However besides that, I guess I didn't. I don't think I really understood what Jeremy meant by "love." He used to have a different crush every month. I guess with Christine it's different. He's been pining over her for literal years.

I glanced back at Jeremy, who was smiling and humming along to the music on the radio. This made me smile. I liked it when Jeremy was happy. He'd been through a ton, so he deserved this happiness.

We pulled into his driveway, and Jeremy got out of my car and waved.

"Bye Michael, see ya tomorrow!"

I waved. "Night, Jere."

He entered his house and I drove back home. Jeremy's words from before were still edged into my mind.

"Haven't you ever been in love?"

What does that mean?

Once I got back home, I went straight to my room and closed the door.

I wasn't doing anything illegal or anything, but it felt kind of embarrassing. I logged into my PC and went on incognito mode.

"What does it mean to be in love??" I typed into the search bar, and a bunch of wacky results came out.

Apparently you want your partner or whoever to be happy and you admire them for who they are? Then I clicked on this one link. "12 scientifically Proven signs that you're in love."

(Lol if you wanna read it, this the link:
https://www.livescience.com/33720-13-scientifically-proven-signs-love.html )

Seemed legit.

Alright what does it say? I quickly skimmed over the article and learned a few stuff I guess.

1. Daydreaming about this person

Daydreaming? That sounded creepy. I kept scrolling

2. Focusing on the positive and overlooking the negatives

What if they're really toxic? That's dumb.

3. Emotional instability

Apparently you get really sad when that person isn't around and you get really happy when you're with them? ..But isn't that how you feel with close friends?

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