This is Either Madness or Brilliance

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"Rose! Wake up!" Will shouts, bursting through my bedroom door.

"What?" I groan, pulling the covers over my head.

"Elizabeth's been taken!" He says. 

"By who?" I inquire, getting out of bed. Will blushes and I realize I only have my nightgown on. I grab my robe and pull it over my nightgown. 

"Pirates." He replies bitterly, as if the word left a bad taste in his mouth. 

"Well, let me get dressed and we'll head to the fort," I tell him. He nods and leaves. I put on a simple dress and grab a bag and stuff pants, a shirt, and a coat into it. Might as well be prepared for anything. "C'mon Will," I say, grabbing his wrist and walking out onto the streets of Port Royal. 

"Why do you have a bag?" He asks.

"In case I need a change of clothes if we end up making a trip," I tell him, walking into the fort. Will sprints ahead of me. I see Governor Swann and Commodore Norrington conversing over a map.

"They've taken Elizabeth!" Will exclaims. 

"We all know this Will, no need to state the obvious," I comment.

"Mr. Murtogg, remove this man and woman." Commodore orders.

"We have to hunt them down. We must save her." Will insists.

"Where do you propose we start? If you have any information concerning my daughter, please share it." Governor Swann begs.

"That Jack Sparrow. He talked about the Black Pearl. Mentioned it is more what he did. Ask him where it is! He could lead us to it!" Will suggests.

"No." Norrington refuses. "The pirates left Sparrow in his cell, ergo they are not his allies. We will establish their most likely course..."

"That's not good enough!" Will interrupts, slamming his hatchet on the table.

"Mr. Turner, you are not a military man or a sailor. You are a blacksmith. And this is not the moment for rash actions! Do not think you are the only man here who cares for Elizabeth," Norrington tells him. 

"C'mon Rose. We're going," Will says, grabbing my wrist, walking me towards the jail.

"If you're going to do what I think you're going to do, I think you're completely mad." I tell him. We reach the jail and I see a rugged pirate, laying on the floor of the cell with is hat on his face.

"You! Sparrow!" Will calls.

"Aye?" He questions.

"You're familiar with The Black Pearl?" Will asks.

"I've heard of it," Sparrow replies lazily.

"Where does it make berth?" Will questions.

"Where does it make berth?" Jack repeats. "Have you not heard the stories? Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from Isla de Muerta. It's an island that can't be found, except by those who already know where it is." He replies 

"The ship's real enough. Therefore its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?" Will asks.

"Why ask me?" Jack questions, studying his nails.

"Because you're a pirate." He says, as if not sure whether or not to trust Sparrow.

"And you want to turn pirate yourself, is that it?" Jack inquires.

"Never! They took Miss Swann." Will admits.

"Oh, so it is that you've found a girl. I see. Well, if you're intending to brave all, hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady's heart you'll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me." Sparrow says.

"I can get you out of here." Will informs him.

 "How's that? The key's run off." Jack tells him.

"I helped build these cells. These are half pin-barrel hinges.  With the right leverage and the proper application of strength? The door will lift free." Will says, holding a bench to the jail cell.

"What's your name?" Jack inquires.

"Will Turner." 

"That will be short for William , I imagine. Good, strong name. No doubt, named for your father, eh?" 

"Yes." Will replies, confused. 

"Uh-huh. Well, Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell I swear on pain of death I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonny lass. Do we have an accord?" Jack questions.

"Agreed." Will says, shaking Jack's hand.

"Agreed. Get me out." Sparrow orders.

"Hurry. Someone will have heard that." Will answers.

"Not without my effects." Jack says, grabbing his sword and pistol. We run out of the jail to the port. We head under a bridge. 

"So how do you suppose we're going to get to Elizabeth?" I ask.

"We're going to commandeer that ship," Jack says, pointing to The Dauntless

"We're going to steal the ship. That ship?" Will asks, gesturing to The Dauntless.

"Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?" Jack quizzes.

"I'd die for her." Will says. I roll my eyes. 

"Oh, good. No worries, then." Jack comments. 

"So how are we going to get to The Dauntless?" I ask. 

"We'll flip that boat over, creating a little air pocket so we can walk over to The Dauntless. Then once The Interceptor reaches starboard bow, we'll grab some ropes and swing over onto it, and strand them on The Dauntless.

"Sounds like a solid plan. C'mon then," I urge. We walk on the sandy bottom of Port Royal's port to The Dauntless. (Port Royal's port hehe :) )

"This is either madness, or brilliance." Will comments. 

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide," Jack replies. I mean, he's not wrong though. Most people are mad geniuses. And if the stories I heard from my father as a child are true, Jack Sparrow is exactly that.

A/N: Ahoy thar mates! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try to make next chapter longer I promise. Love y'all <3 Weigh anchor mates! -imlugo

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