And Really Bad Eggs

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Caspian, Jack, and I are escorted to the gallows. 

"Jack Sparrow, be it known that you have..."

"Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow." He corrects. The executioner glares at him.

 "for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited herewith: piracy, smuggling..."

"This is wrong." I hear Elizabeth tell her father.

"Commodore Norrington is bound by the law. As are we all." Governor Swann reminds her.

"...impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England..."

 "Ah, yes. " Jack says, smirking, remembering an apparently amusing memory. The executioner glares at him before continuing.

"Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. And for these crimes you have been sentenced to be, on this day, hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul." The executioner puts the rope around his neck. I see Cotton's parrot perched on a flag.

"I can't breathe." I hear Elizabeth gasp. She faints. Governor Swann and Commodore rush to her aid.

"Elizabeth!" Governor Swann exclaims. Will rushes through the crowd to the gallows.

"Move!" Will yells, throwing his sword just as Jack falls through the hatch. The sword becomes lodged in the wood, giving Jack a foothold. Will fights to the gallows and hands Caspian and I our swords. I cut Jack free and we fight all the way up to the tower where we are cornered by Norrington's men. 

"I thought we might have to endure some manner of ill-conceived escape attempt but not from you." Norrington says to Will

"On our return to Port Royal, I granted you clemency. And this is how you thank me? By throwing in your lot with them? They're pirates!" Governor Swann says.

"And good people. If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn four pairs of boots instead of three, so be it. At least my conscience will be clear." Will says. 

"You forget your place, Turner." Norrington sneers.

"It's right here, between you, Jack and Rose." He says.

"As is mine." Elizabeth says, standing by Will.

"Elizabeth! Lower your weapons. For goodness sake put them down!" Governor Swann orders.

"So this is where your heart truly lies, then?" Norrington asks.

"It is." Elizabeth admits. I elbow Jack and point to Cotton's parrot.

"Well! I'm actually feeling rather good about this. I think we've all arrived at a very special place, eh? Spiritually? Ecumenically? Grammatically?  I want you to know that I was rooting for you, mate. Know that. Elizabeth, it would never have worked between us, darling. I'm sorry. Will? Nice hat. Friends! This is the day that you will always remember as the day that..." He falls off the tower. 

"Shall we go then?" Caspian asks. 

"Aye. Take good care of him Elizabeth. Make sure he doesn't do anything... stupid," I say. Will smiles.

"So you're a pirate now?" Will questions.

"Aye. Until we meet again Mr. Turner," I say. Caspian and I dive off the tower. We swim to the Pearl and the crew hauls us aboard.

"I thought you were supposed to keep to the Code." Jack tells Gibbs.

"We figured they were more actual, guidelines." Gibbs says, helping Jack up. Cotton hands Jack his hat.

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