You Smell Funny.

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-In the Faithful Bride Tavern at Tortuga- 

"And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?" Gibbs asks an ancient man. 

"I've never sailed a day in me life. I figure I should get out, see the world while I'm still young." He says. I snort. 

"You'll do. Make your mark. Next!" Gibbs says. 

"My wife ran off with my dog and I'm drunk for a month and I don't give an butt rat's if I live or die." Another man says. 

"Perfect. Next!" Gibbs says.

"I know what I want. I know what I want..." Jack mutters, shaking his compass and opening it. 

"Still don't know what you want Captain?" I tease. 

"It won't show me the way to the chest," he groans.

"Me have one arm and a bum leg." Another man says.

"It's the crow's nest for you." Gibbs tells him.

"I know what I want." Jack repeats.

"What does it keep showing you then?" I ask.

"Erm, nothing," He says.

"Next!" Gibbs shouts.

"Ever since I was a little lad, I've always wanted to sail the seas... forever." Another wannabe pirate tells Gibbs.

"Sooner than you think. Sign the roster." Gibbs orders.

"Thanks very much." He replies.

"How we going?" Jack questions.

"Including those four, that gives us... four. And what's your story?" Gibbs asks.

"My story. It's exactly the same as your story, just one chapter behind. I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life." A familiar voice says. I look more carefully at the drunkard. It looked like Commodore Norrington!

"Commodore?" Gibbs asks.

"No, not anymore. Weren't you listening? I nearly had you all off Tripoli. I would have, if not for the hurricane." He says.

"Lord. You didn't try to sail through it?" Gibbs asks.

"So, do I make your crew or not? You haven't said where you're going. Somewhere nice?!" Norrington asks, flipping the table. "So, am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow? Or should I just kill you now?" He asks, pointing his pistol at Jack.

"You're hired." Jack says.

"Sorry. Old habits and all that." He says, getting ready to shoot Jack.

"Easy, sailor!" One man says, grabbing hold of Norrington.

"That's our captain you're threatening." Another says, holding Norrington's pistol above his head. The former Commodore fires his pistol, breaking someone's rum bottle. Then, I fight breaks out. 

"Time to go." Jack says.

"Aye!" Gibbs and I agree.

-Back at the Pearl-

"Captain Sparrow!" A girl in men's clothing asks.

"Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard." Jack says.

"I'm here to find the man I love." She says. I know that voice. That's Elizabeth Swann.

"I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea." Jack says. 

"Meaning William Turner, Captain Sparrow." She says. Jack realizes. He turns around.

"Elizabeth!" He exclaims. He turns to Gibbs and tells him, "Hide the rum." Then he turns back to Elizabeth and says, "These clothes do not flatter you. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin."

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