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I sat quietly in the back of a local bar, called Southern Comfort in Tulley, Tennessee

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I sat quietly in the back of a local bar, called Southern Comfort in Tulley, Tennessee. I was only passing by, not that I was going anywhere specific. I was just looking for a bit of excitement.

Although the appearance of two highly attractive men waltzing in implies that this excitement has found me instead.

I pull my glass to my lips, keeping myself quiet whilst I observe their behavior.

The first man, bold and charming.
A head full of strawberry blonde maybe even red curls, shuffling as he steps. A devious smirk permanently plastered upon his lips.

The next man, quieter and stern, it was clear he wasn't the type to play around. Unlike his friend. His hair was a light brown, and slicked back. His lips in a straight line, only further implying his place as the brood amongst the two.

My eyes inevitably follow the first man, the curls were far too intriguing not to. He makes long strides as he wanders, and it seemed as if he were scanning the room.

"Excuse me." A low male voice draws my attention away from him, and I'm met face to face with the brood of the two men I had taken and interest in.

It was far too hard to tell before with the distance but his eyes were the deepest brown. I was sure that plenty of girls found themselves lost in his chocolate orbs.

Unfortunately for him, I wasn't one of them.

"Go on as if this were any other day, ignore whatever is about to happen." His voice was stern, and I found myself confused.

His brown orbs lingered on mine just a tad second longer before moving on to the next table.

The scent of a vampire radiating off of him as he walked away caused me to shudder.

It's as if he was attempting to compel me, as a matter of fact. It was as if he were attempting to compel the entire bar.

What exactly was about to go down? I suppose I'll have to keep a low profile. However, after the encounter I felt his familiar brown orbs on me every few minutes.

It was obvious he could smell me, my blood. It was different then that of a human. It's sweeter, more intense, and addicting to vampire kind. Almost like a drug.

Attempting to seem casual and unbothered I lean back in my seat against the wall, my eyes glance around for his friend.

The one with the curls. It was easy to spot him, it was clear he wasn't trying to hide. Of course, he did believe everyone was compelled.

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