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In the end I decided to take this ride to Mystic Falls and visit an old friend

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In the end I decided to take this ride to Mystic Falls and visit an old friend.

The ride itself was calm but, I was iffy on directions, I hadn't actually been here before. I was simply recalling directions a friend gave me years ago.

Although, I was beginning to doubt myself and my location skills.

That is until a large, basically a mansion appeared in the distance in front of me. I could tell by the architecture and the overall aesthetic that this was indeed the house I was looking for.

The house itself was mainly a brown red, built from brick. The roof was a darker brown maybe black. The shape was almost a ginormous L, with a circled driveway.

I'm a bit surprised I hadn't been pulled over for not wearing a helmet, I'm fairly certain it is illegal here. I suppose I just got lucky.

I pulled up by the door parking off to the side. I stepped off and made my way to the entrance.

I gave a few strong knocks on the door, and silenced filled the air. I truly don't know why I bothered knocking, a regular human would've heard me pull up on a bike.

I pull out my phone to call the guy. It rang for a short time, but eventually his voice shot through the line.

"Hello?" Damon's voice questions, in a stern and confused tone. "I sure missed your voice handsome." A smile finds it way to my lips whilst I jokingly flirt with him.

I hear him clear his throat quickly and lower his tone. "Hey? Uh Esme, wow I haven't heard from you in awhile." I grow confused. Typically jokingly flirting is our thing.

I push the feelings aside and take in a deep breath. "Yeah but something came up and I kinda need to talk to you." I hear him sigh deeply through the phone.

"Where are you?" He questions sternly, I can almost feel his concern through the phone. "I'm right outside your place, I didn't really know where else to go." I answer honestly rolling my lips in.

"I'll be there." He states in a low and serious tone, I nod and send a soft hum through the phone. The beep informs me he's hung up and I sigh shoving the device in my back pocket.

I wonder what had him so stressed. Perhaps it's the fact that his ripper brother is on the loose with a thousand year old original vampire hybrid.

I push away the dreadful thought when all too familiar Camaro was pulling into the driveway. "Aw look at you with your little bike" Damon speaks up over the revving of his engine. I feel my face scrunch up in offense.

He pulls up and stops in front of me. "It's not that little."I huff, crossing my arms. "Aw I'm sorry squirt, didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Damon starts, glancing at me with a taunting pout, I only cringe at the nickname.

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