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The two step out of the water and approach Alaric and I, the tension between them was still floating in the air, but it was much more tolerable now

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The two step out of the water and approach Alaric and I, the tension between them was still floating in the air, but it was much more tolerable now.

The doppelgänger, went to wipe the dirt from her shirt, but it was useless as she was soaked from head to toe. When her doe eyes meet mine I attempt to send her a smile.

Even with the distance I can sense just how different she is from Katerina. Apart from her overly sweet scent, she just held herself better.

She's taken back at first by my presence and a range of emotions make their way through her. She manages to ignore them and send a small smile back, adjusting her soaked shirt.

"Elena, this is Esme." Damon states, referring to my short frame. "Esme, this is-" "Elena." I finish, reaching out for her hand. "It's so nice to meet you."

Elena inevitably responds reaching for my hand, but I could tell she was iffy. I was too, when Damon originally told me about her, but the love she held radiates off her like a vicious volcanic eruption.

Unfortunately for her that love was all discombobulated. Her gaze left mine shortly but my own expression fell at the pain inside her.

Damon caught my gaze, his eyes stayed on mine, we held a silent conversation, he's electric blue eyes saying everything he couldn't put to words.

Keeping her safe was his only priority, and though she was alive and breathing, her heart was beyond repair.

The majority of our walk, Elena and Damon had bickered back and forth. I can't say it wasn't annoying, but to ignore it I sparked up a conversation with Alaric.

"Damon says you're the local vampire hunter." I start, my eyes meeting his for just a split second before looking back in front of me.

The pungent oder of uncertainty and even confusion filled the air around him. "I was." He states in a blunt tone. I nod slightly in understanding.

"I know Damon of all the vampires to exist didn't change your mind." I state back, in a blunt tone myself. The man chuckles and forces out a quick "Yeah."

I let him finish before responding, he adjust the crossbow on his shoulder, falling into his own thoughts. "It was actually Stefan, he talked some sense into me."

"Oh how the tables have turned." I force a tight smile, keeping my eyes away from Alaric. I could sense he didn't want to agree, but it was hard not to.

"We've got about a mile left." Alaric states, to the three of us. "The sun is about to set." Damon remarks, in a slight snarky tone.

"I can see that, Damon." Elena responds in the same snarky tone. The air between them growing stiff once again.

LIGHT OF MY LIFE: Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now