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The next morning I woke up to Damon hollering for me from his room

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The next morning I woke up to Damon hollering for me from his room.  I attempted to drown him out with my pillows, and after a few minutes it appeared he had given up.

I was mistaken of course, he simply decided to save his vocal cords and approach me in my warm comfy bed. "Mae get up we've got places to be."

The vampire grudgingly states, peeling the blankets from around me. "10 more minutes.." I mumble holding onto my last blanket with everything in me.

He didn't bother to respond, but just continued to swipe the blanket from my body. I instantly shoot up and pull the t-shirt past my bottom.

"Damon I don't have pants on!" I growl throwing every last pillow from my bed at his face. The vampire only smirks, blocking each and every pillow thrown in his direction.

"I don't mind" he states gleam as ever. "Get out!" I laugh at the blue eyed fool and he finally makes his way to the door, his back to me. "Maybe I should stay, ensure you get dressed. I can help you know?"

I grab an old cup coaster from the nightstand, and aim for the wall beside him, the clang from the impact sent him on his way. No response needed.

"What a pervert.." I mutter, stepping up from the bed.

I glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand and shudder at the time alone. 5:30 am, this bloodsucker woke me up at 5 in the freaking morning.

I huff in annoyance and slowly make my way to the closet, grabbing a white tank, and a blue denim jacket, I shuffle threw my travel bag for some tights and slip on my boots.

I make my way to the restroom and out of nowhere get the sensation of being watched, low and behold Damon had found his way to my door once again.

"Have you heard of knocking?" I sass at the man, while I wrap up my morning routine.

"Thought you might speed up if I was watching you." The vampire states in a cocky tone, I don't bother giving him the satisfaction of looking at him. "I'm almost done, go make me a bagel or something.." I murmur whilst applying mascara in the mirror.

"I'll stop somewhere on the way, we still have to pick up Elena." Damon states it as if it were obvious, but I feel my heart fall into my stomach.

"I didn't know she was coming." I respond in a small voice, stepping out of the restroom and making my way to the hallway.

Damon follows, confusion riveting off of him. "Of course she is, why wouldn't she?" he questions in pure confusion and I simply shake my head with a shrug. "I don't think she's going to want me there."

Damons laughs, it's a dry laugh, a mocking laugh, he thinks I'm being ridiculous, I could feel his judgement a mile away. He doesn't even bother to make eye contact, just continues on his way stepping past me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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