Chapter 5

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Maths class went fine. Well to be honest, maths was terrible. One reason being the results of the test were announced, and as per as my expectations I had flunked the test. Now as a consequence I had to go through a week of detention with Mr. Jones.

I sighed as I arranged the assignments for the week and kept it in my bag. Maybe it won't be so bad. I thought. There will be a retest next week and if I flunk that then I will have to go through some serious consequences, home schooling might be one of them. I had to score an A to avoid expulsion.

I walked to my car and unlocked it and sat, lost in thought that I did not realize someone unlocking the passenger door and sitting until she snapped her fingers in front of my face. I looked up and saw Sel staring at me with a confused face.

"Why are you lost, what are you thinking about? Care to share?" She said smiling and nudged my shoulder with her fists.

"Oh, it's nothing." I said as I put in the keys and turned on the ignition to the car as I reversed the car.

"Don't be like that Ari. You are thinking about that test, right?" Sel said and I just sighed in reply.

"Don't worry babe, you will surely pass the test." She said placing her hand on my shoulder assuring me.

"There's no way I can get an A on that test." I said , stress obvious in my tone.

"Don't put yourself down. You can surely get an A. Just you have to work hard." She said.

"Hmm." I reply stopping outside Sel's house.

"So what are you doing in the evening." Sel asked changing the topic turning her face towards me.

"Umm. I have to go shopping with Louis." I answered obviously not mentioning my plans with Harry later tonight," He has to buy something for Lottie's birthday." I added.

"Oh, I thought we could have have a girls night, but seeing that you are busy we can do it some other day." She said while taking her bag from the backseat.

"You can hang out with your boyfriend." I said biting my lips slightly.

"He is busy with some work , don't ask me what because I am clueless as well. " She said unlocking the door and getting down. "Well anyways thanks for the ride, see ya tomorrow. " She said waving her hands as she walked to her house.

"Bye. " I smiled as I began driving again to my house.

Did Harry not mention anything about me coming over to his place yesterday and him inviting me today over to his place to Sel. I think. Ughh I should stop working myself over it, he loves Sel and he just sees me as a friend. Nothing more. I sigh as I drive straight to Louis' house obviously avoiding going back to my deserted house.

I shoot him a text asking him to wait outside as I drive. He was wearing his usual black shirt with a skull for a design and his black skinny jeans which were just above his ankle and his white vans. His hair was messily swooped to the right as he fidgeted with his hands waiting in the driveway. He smiles as he sees me approaching and sits in the passenger seat without any delay.

"So have you thought of anything?" I ask stopping at the signal.

"Well I am thinking to buy her a dress." He says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hmmm." I say as the signal turns green and I drive on.
As we walked inside the mall after parking my car a spot nearest to the exit of the mall. We searched a couple of malls for the desirable dress for Lottie, settling on a nice Aztec printed dress, with a round neck and long sleeves (Louis did not want to buy an exposing dress for her sister being the overprotective brother he is) and length till knees.
I thought as we are here, Why not do some window shopping , and Louis owes me for the help I did finding a gift for him, so I tried on multiple dresses while he took pictures of me in them. After that he decided to give me a coffee and donut treat, which I obviously cannot refuse. On our way back we sang aloud to Pitbull and he talked about the theme party that his sister is planning to throw. As I reach outside Louis' house, he looks at me and smiles.
"Thanks Ari for helping me out." He says as he pushes his fringe behind and gives a shy smile. "I had fun." He adds.
"Me too." I reply genuinely meaning it. He moves forward and put his arms around me, hugging me. I freeze at first confused at the friendly gesture, but slowly wrap my arms around his waist hugging him back. He gets down the car as he waves a Bye.
As I drive out, I slowly prepare myself to what it to come. I drive to Harry's casa. The drive was short as Harry just lives in the next neighborhood beside Louis'.
I parked my car after talking to the gaurd who did a intercom with Harry to confirm the arrival of a guest. As I walked in, I mentally prepared myself to abstain from stuttering and just be confident. I closed my eye and opened it again slowly preparing myself as I walked towards the door. Before I could press the door bell, the door flew open and a tall curly haired boy stood on the frame as though he was anticipating me. His curly locks were firmly slickest back, his eyes shining and a white t-shirt covering his torso with a pair of black skinny jeans and bare foot. I just stood there staring at the beautiful boy who was in love my best friend. I awkwardly held out my hand for a handshake while he put his arms around me hugging me, so my hands were awkwardly hitting his stomach as I slowly returned the hug.
   This is going to be a hell of an evening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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