Chapter 3(part 2)

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  My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a phone ring.

  What does the fox say, Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

   I giggled hearing the cheeky ring-tone of the lad who I always thought was serious. I looked at Harry who was frantically searching for his phone beneath the covers of the bed and finding it below the pillow.

  "I have to take this." He said walking out of the room. I got up and walked around the room going through the collection of books on the shelves. I was shocked to find 'The Notebook' on the shelf. Who would have thought Harry was the romantic ones. Well to be honest I have never read the cliched love stories, Sel always says it's because I haven't foud 'The one'. I sighed and placed the book back on the shelf. 

   Harry walked in smiling and threw the cellphone back on the bed. 

   "Nice ring tone." I said and he was gushing now.

   "I like that tune" He said and I just glanced at his phone, he had the picture of Sel as his lock screen display picture. My heart just shattered seeing that picture. I don't know whether I should feel happy for my best friend or should cry in a corner because Harry can never be mine. I bit my lip and turned facing him and said,"You really love her, don't you?" My voice was really low , yes I was finding it really difficult to speak at the moment. He looked at me confused and then saw his phone understanding what I was talking about.

   He blushed slightly and began speaking,"Love is a very strong emotion and it takes time." He sighed continuing "But I really do like Sel and I have never felt this way about anyone." He said as he bit his lip smiling shyly.

       I felt tears forming in my eyes and I found it difficult to control them so I turned back facing the wall and said."Sel is really a lucky girl." I said wishing it was me.

      He hummed in agreement and said,"So Ariana, tell me something about you."
      I turned around giving Harry a small smile.
     "Like what.  Wh..aa..t d..o yo...u want t..o kno..w?"I don't know why I was being so nervous. Wow, I am good at embarrassing myself.
    He smiled and sat down, "You know just chill,I don't bite. " he said trying not to laugh.I gave him a nervous smile as he said "So tell me your favorite movie or tv show or your hobbies...just anything. "
     I thought for a while as I sat across him on the couch.  "I like singing. I have written a couple of songs."I managed to say without stuttering.
    "No kidding.  Even I am into music and learning how to play the guitar now." He said in a high pitched voice showing his excitement. I laughed feeling at ease now.
    "We should totally have a jamming session." He said excitedly. 
    "Yeah sure." I said unsure what to say next.
     "Favorite movie? " He asked raised his eye brow.
      "Harry Potter.  I am a total Potterhead. And besides that I love all Disney movies. And frozen is my latest fave." I said smiling slightly now. I guess I am warming up to him now. I guess I can be friends with him now.
Harry frowned a bit, "I am not a fan of Disney. It's always a cliche.  Like there's this damsel in distress who is 'oh so pretty' and then comes a prince who rescues the damsel obviously falling for her perfect looks without even knowing her name." He sighed shaking his head slightly and continued.
    "It's like if you are looking you will always find your prince. Have you ever seen an ugly looking Disney princess. Of course you haven't, because they are always so fucking perfect. It's really annoying sometimes." he looked at me searching for signs of boredom but continued anyways,"I hope I am not annoying you now. But it's just that I want somebody who is imperfect. Because imperfection just shows that you are real and not some person pretending. Because nobody is perfect. I am not and I don't want someone who is."

   I looked at him in total and complete awe. He is the description of perfect to me. Mission Friends Abort Now. I was back to reality when he snapped his finger. "Tell me I did not bore you out of your brains and you want to run away now. "

  I chuckled slightly and said,"Oh my god that was perfect." I kinda blurted out."Shit. I didn'..t th.a.t.... That was imperfect... Jeez I m.. ean that was bea..u..tuiful" I realize that i was rambling now. Just when I thought I was warming up to him I screw it up. Ugh I hate my life. I was embarrassed now, I covered my face in embarrassment now. I look over at Harry who was laughing so hard now with his hands on his tummy. Oh god,I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life.But he looks so adorable when he is laughing.

  My thoughts where interrupted by a knock on the door. There was another bloke in a suit . Wow these people have an army of servants.

  "Madam your mother is leaving now , she has called you downstairs." He said and bowed down and walked away. I nodded and looked over at Harry who was walking towards me still laughing. My breathe hitched when he pulled me in for a friendly side hug.

  "We should do this again sometime. It was fun." He said pulling away.

  "Yeah,sure." I said my voice so low that I am sure he did not hear it. I shyly waved a 'goodbye' left the room.  I walked downstairs still smiling and saw my mother who looked at me with raised brow. She said something to Mr Styles as they did a formal hug and procceeded towards the door and I quitely followed her outside. I got in the car and noticed my mother was visibly happy, maybe her deal went well. But I did not speak as I was still giddy after the recent events.

  When we reached home I immediately went upstairs to my room after saying a quick 'Good Night' to my mother. I just lazily fell on my bed and did not even bother to change. I took the bunny from the side table, I call it 'Olaf' as it white and had an orange nose and reminds me a lot of Olaf from frozen and it is my fave movie. I hugged it tightly close to my chest and whispered,"He is perfect, he is perfect in my eyes." and I added sadly,"But he can never be mine." I said and it hurts. But I drifted off to sleep ignoring the constant buzzing from my phone with a smile plastered on my face as I dreamt of the lovely curly haired boy with gorgeous green eyes and the smile to die for.... Oh I am falling for him.



My Fellow Humans, IT IS SO DIFFICULT TO WRITE IN MY HOUSE, NOBODY LEAVES ME ALONE EVEN FOR A MINUTE. I literally had to lock myself to type this chapter. My mother is scared i will kill myself if I am left alone.She is just paranoid.

She says I am just wasting my time on One Direction. I wish she just understood that they are really important to me.

Sorry if this was annoying.


-Nimbooz ;)

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