15. Answers

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Serena managed to shoulder Severus long enough to get him close to Hagrid's hut, but that was as far as he was able to make it.  He was far too weak to stand any longer.  She helped him sit down and leaned him back against a tree.

"Are you alright?" she questioned breathlessly.

"I'm not," Severus admitted.  His face was a pale as ashes.  "I can't go anymore.  I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," she told him.  "I'm going to get some help."

Severus nodded and Serena took off running.  Since the hut was the closest building, she knocked frantically on Hagrid's door.  Hagrid's face was twisted with annoyance when the door swung open, but it quickly melted away.

"Hello, Serena!" he greeted cheerfully.  "What brings you down here?"

In hurried words, she explained.  "You have to help me.  Please."

"What happened to him?" he questioned.

Serena shrugged.  "I don't know.  I'm hoping to find out once he's had a chance to rest."

"Alright then."  He closed the door and headed outside.

Serena pointed Severus out to him and they hurried to his side.  Severus was barely managing to hold his eyes open.

"I've never seen him like this," Hagrid admitted.

"Me either," she said quietly.

He could see how worried she was.  "Don't worry though.  Dumbledore will know what to do."  

Hagrid scooped Severus up from the ground like he was a small child and carried him with both arms up to the castle, Serena right on his heels.  Countless questions ran through her mind.  Who had kidnapped him?  Why?  What did they do to him?  All she really knew for sure was that it had been nothing good.

Serena opened the castle doors long enough for Hagrid to walk through, then closed them again.  "We need to get him to the Hospital Wing, Hagrid.  Madame Pomfrey will hopefully know what to do for him."

Hagrid nodded and started up the stairs.  Again, Serena followed close behind him.

It seemed like it took ages for the three of them to finally reach the Hospital Wing, but they made it in no time at all.  Hagrid laid Severus down on the first empty bed.  Serena thanked him and then rushed to find Madame Pomfrey.  Surely she was around there somewhere!  She finally ran into the storage room and found her inside.  

"Madame Pomfrey, Severus needs you!"

"I thought he was missing!" she exclaimed.

"I found him in the woods.  He's hurt.  Please hurry."

Serena took off toward the main room and Madame Pomfrey hurried after her.  She saw Severus lying on a bed at the end, with Hagrid standing beside of him.

"I'm going to go warn Professor Dumbledore," Hagrid announced.  Serena nodded.  "Please."

Hagrid gave her a nod and then took off.  Madame Pomfrey reached Severus a few seconds later and immediately began to examine him.  She knew what to do right away.  Serena watched in silence as she worked.

"What happened to him?" she questioned.

Serena shrugged.  She was on the verge of tears.  "I don't know.  He was kidnapped and he said he was tortured, but that's all I know."


"Good hmm or bad hmm?"

Madame Pomfrey didn't answer for several seconds.  Then she stood upright.  "Whoever they were, they did a number on him."

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