8. The Past is the Past

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Serena had never been so glad to be home. She was completely exhausted and she knew that Harry was. He was fast asleep in his crib by her bed. Lupin had insisted on going and getting it from James and Lily's home and bringing it to her. She hadn't wanted him to go through the trouble to do so, but he wouldn't take no for an answer, arguing that there was no sense in her buying one when Harry already had one in perfectly good shape. He had gotten it and brought it back to her. With a swish of her wand, it was set up. She thanked him and then laid Harry down. He had fallen asleep right away. Poor little thing.

"He must be so exhausted," Remus whispered. He was standing beside of Serena watching the baby boy sleep.

"He probably is. It's hard to believe he was nearly killed today," Serena whispered back. She took a deep breath. "I suppose I should get some sleep as well."

"Yes." Remus frowned. "Do you want me to stay until Sirius comes back?"

The offer was tempting. She was attacked today and Harry was almost lost, but she wouldn't make that mistake twice. "No. You have done enough. Thank you. If you see Sirius though, tell him that we need to talk."

He smiled. "I will. Just be careful with Harry. I don't know you that well, Serena, but if Dumbledore trusts you, then you have my trust as well."

"Thank you, Remus. I appreciate that."

He nodded and then turned to walk away. He had only take two steps when he paused and turned back to face her. She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Just one thing before I go. I know it's none of my business, but please be careful. You seem like a nice young lady and I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Be careful where Severus is concerned."

Serena cast her eyes to the floor. She took a deep breath. She swore if one more person told her that, she was going to explode. She knew they were only trying to help, but it was beginning to wear on her nerves. She looked up again. "I appreciate your concern, but I can take care of myself."

"I know you can."

"I won't let anything happen to Harry. I swear it."

Remus smiled at her. "Thank you." Then he walked out the bedroom door.

Only when she heard the front door of the apartment click shut did she come out of her bedroom and take out her wand. She put every kind of protection charm she knew around the apartment. Once she was finished, she hurried to check on Harry once more. He hadn't moved and was still sleeping soundly. She smiled and went back into the living room. She plopped down on the couch and had barely propped her feet up when she heard the screech of an owl. Frowning, she hurried over to the window and raised it to look out. The owl she had heard nearly clobbered her in the face. Serena cried out as it flew in, landing softly on the table in front of the couch.

"I should blast you to kingdom come you stupid bird!" she shouted in frustration.

The owl cooed and hopped eagerly toward her. She took a deep breath and fetched an owl treat out of one of the cabinets in the kitchen. She walked back over to the owl and offered the treat to it. It was a scrawny owl, brown and black, and white. It's eyes were dark and beautiful. She carefully untied the message from around it's leg and it flew off, the treat in its mouth. She walked calmly over to the window and closed it just as the owl cleared it.

Serena held the message in her hand, a frown creasing her forehead. She wondered who it could be from. Then her mind wandered back to a few hours before when Severus had said he'd send her an owl. Assuming it could be from him, she opened it up. The writing was slanted and smooth. She read it once, then again more slowly. Her heart skipped a beat as she rolled it back up.

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