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In fact, Shao Yunan didn't quite understand the practices of the Hu people. No matter how strong you are, you always have to keep a low profile when you are on someone else’s site, not to mention that in a place with extremely inconvenient traffic in ancient times, it annoys the local snakes, and it is extremely easy for the other party to chase and kill you. Wait for a means of transportation that can evacuate quickly.

The military strength of the Huhar Kingdom is indeed strong, but this is the capital of the Yan Kingdom. Not to mention that the State of Yan also has an army under the command of the Dai family, King Ke Qin himself is a very valuable meat ticket. King Keqin wouldn't think that a mere five hundred people could stop the entire Yan Kingdom's army of hundreds of thousands. He is so high profile and so arrogant in the capital of Yan Kingdom, what is it for? Does he really want to be a hostage? Is he a shaking M?

Shao Yunan once asked Wang Shijing this question, as well as Dai Lao General and Dai Zhanxiao. Both the old general Dai and Dai Zhanxiao said that King Keqin's performance was normal, and only Wang Shijing gave him a solution. The last battle of the Yan Kingdom was a narrow victory, and it was because of the sudden death of the Great Khan of the Huhar Kingdom. Now that the Huhar country has sent a mission, it shows that the power transition of the Huhar country has been completed. If there is another war, the chance of Yan Guo winning is very small - of course, this is before Shao Yunan and Jiang Moxi did not appear.

But the people of Huhar didn't know, even Dai Zhanxiao didn't know that his emperor already had a terrible trump card. Under such a background, King Keqin was naturally arrogant, because the State of Yan did not dare to hurt him, and dared not bear the consequences of the State of Hu's revenge against the State of Yan. In addition, the Hu people are all illiterate people who have never read a book. They are reckless men with developed limbs and simple minds. Wang Shijing's vision has been very different, so he can see the IQ arrears shown by King Ke Qin's move, but other people, including the old general Dai, do not think about IQ. King Ke Qin's It seems normal to them.

Shao Yunan nodded in understanding, and he still overestimated the IQ of these people. At this moment, he looked at King Ke Qin who stood up and looked gloomily at Emperor Yongming like a fool, shaking his head in his heart, this guy would be **** if he could go back alive. And soon, Shao Yunan will definitely say that this guy will never go back alive!

King Keqin: "His Majesty the Emperor of the State of Yan, this king, on behalf of me, the Great Khan of Huhar State, brought a delegation to discuss peace with the State of Yan, but this king did not see your sincerity!" King Keqin pointed to King Luo Rong, "You killed my warriors and insulted their corpses. You personally cut off the possibility of peace between the two countries!"

Emperor Yongming looked at King Keqin blankly, and Prince Murong stood up and said without a smile: "King Keqin really knows how to beat him. You said that we cut off the possibility of peace between the two countries. Why didn't you mention what you did? The young master of the Duke Lu's mansion was almost killed by you! Not to mention what you did to me at the Luo Rong mansion!" In the last sentence, Prince Murong's face was already cold, with murderous intent in his eyes. .

Emperor Yongming kept silent, King Keqin looked at Prince Murong with contempt and said, "The people of the Duke of Lu's manor were rude to this king first, and this king's guard was just a lesson, how could this king know that the son of the dignified prince is not as weak as a lamb? ."

Lu Guogong slapped the table with anger: "Don't deceive people too much! This is not your Hu country!"

King Keqin ignored the Duke of Lu and continued: "As for what the prince said we did to the palace, this king is confused. I just heard that the boss of Qingyuan is the number one beauty in the world. I'm just going to visit." King Keqin rudely looked at Luo Rong, who was blue-faced, "King Luo Rong and Guo Gongzi have not yet married, and this king admits that he can still pursue it. Heroes match beautiful women, although the prince does not look old, But it can't be compared to the bravery of this king."

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