1.First meet?

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*sound of the alarm*
"Uhh........what time is it..?" I wake up lazily to check the time


Oh........OH MY GOODDD

I rush down to get breakfast knowing damn well i have 2 mins left before my boss throws a tantrum and yea i live alone

I check the time again *8:03*
I put on my clothes in a hurry almost tripping every second i check the mirror and my hair looks like an unbrushed mango seed

"if I don't get fired today it's a miracle" i say as i brush my hair aggressively
I check the time *8:10*

"Ahhhhh no time for breakfast"
I ran out of my house rushingly but atleast i locked the door and rushed to the bus station

"I swear to god if only I had a car...I wouldn't be waiting at a bus station for 3 hoursss!!" I complain as i check my phone for the 8th time and its 8:16

"Welp I'm fired" i sigh "better Start practice for being homeless"

*At work* 9:15

I quietly slip in to the company as i check if my boss is here and without making any noise i get into my office and close the door as slowly as i can

i sigh loudly "thank God he's not here"

"ur late" I heard a man's voice behind me as I look back to see that namjoon, my boss is sitting in my chair

"Jesus chirst u scared the shit out of me!...I mean...hiiiiii"

" ......ur late not 10 minutes BUT AN HOUR.....my.office.right.now. he says standing up and shutting the door as loudly as he could

"great Im dead time to plan my funeral yayy"
I take a deep breath and went straight into his office and stood by the door

"come closer" i hear him say as I take a Step forward "closer" i gulp and stand in front of his desk

"3rd time this week...3RD TIME THIS WEEK AND ITS WEDNESDAY" he bangs the table u get a little startled

"IM SORRY... I kinda slept in..
"awww u slept in....really" he said in a sarcastic tone
"yea..." I replied

"noooo no no no yah oppa I swear on my life that I wouldn't be late for work ever again " i say crossing my heart

(1) don't ever call me oppa everr
(2) u don't look like you got any sleep anyways you look hideous

"excuse me!" I say with a shocked face

(3) don't be late tmrw or else" he gives me a death stare....."now get to work"

Y/n: yes boss! I rushingly get out of his office and lean on the door
"Geez how did I get my self out of this one" i sigh out of relief

"Well better get to work before he comes and complains as usual"

"I can hear you bitch" namjoon said
"i...I..I wasn't talking about you byeeeee" I said  running towards my office


Y/N: "OKAYY" i say almost tripping and falling face first on the floor

"God this girl" he smiles to himself

*Later that day"

"Ahhh....this is the last one" i say while closing my laptop and take a look outside

"damn it's pretty dark outside" i check the time and it says 7:36
"I mean its pretty early and my shift ends at 8:00 but...ill just go home namjoon is not here anywayss and I'm pretty tired So why not"

a/n: let's not count how many times I said pretty in this sentence💀

I exit the company and a bust of wind hits me "damn it's so cold I wish I brought my jacket" since my broke ass doesn't have a car i walk home

While walking i hear someone scream....a girl.....screaming for help......i walk slowly towards the sound acting like a main character in a horror movie

As i followed the sound its got louder and louder then i stop
The sound led to A dark alley and it gave me creepy vibes i get hesitant at first but just kept walking until you see a shadow of a man and a woman

"pls stay away from me plss..pls" she whimpers
"just one bite it won't hurt...I promise" the man replies
"Who are you....no..wha..what...are..you?!"

I get closer to see what going on cause im nosy afff

"doesn't matter love I just want one sip" he says getting closer
I see a handsome man and A girl in
A school uniform.......i see him approach the girl with an unreadable expression i was about to step in before i witness a rape case but i notice something......something about this man's look inhuman to me and i look even closer and i notice fangs growing

I lean against the wall and whisper
"Hahahaha....... I should really stop watching vampire dairies it's really getting to me right?" I slap myself slightly and look back again and.......he's on top of her but he's not doing anything then i take a closer look and i see blood on her neck....

I started trembling and took out my phone ready to dial 911 but then I hear something that really shockes me

spits the blood he drank "ewwwwww ur blood is nasty"
"Huh....?" The girl looks confused, I'm confused
"tell me honestly don't u eat?!?! Baby girl you barely have any blood on you"


I just look at them dumbfounded

what's ur name sweetie
he looked at her like he was reading a book

hejina, i know what ur going through u probably starve ur self to be skinny but pls eat what ever you want live ur life ur still in high school and let me tell you what-

"wait how did u kno-ahhh are u a stalker or something"

"Don't worry I'm not"

"I don't know if I trust you"
"anywayysss the point is if they dont like the way u are THEY AINT WORTH IT RIGHT?!CUT THEM OFF UR LIFE!!"

"YEA!......by the way how do u know my exact situation...

"Its a secret love...secret anywho its getting late ur mom is worried about u better go

"oh thankyou....ajushi?

"no worries make sure to eat okay tonight's dinner teokbokki your favorite"

okay...? byee
The girl runs off

how the fuck did he know..are they related or some thing they didn't look like it tho the girl was extremely uncomfortable at first, something isn't right about this situation even if they are related how could he kno-

"aish kids these days have it tough-*sniff sniff*" he said wiping dust of his hands

"Another humans blood" he says looking my way smirking take a Step back and cover my mouth
"Crap" i whisper to my self
He starts walking closer and closer to me
I hear his foot steps getting louder and louder

'shit shit shit shit shit shit shit this all happened cause I'm so nosy I'm such a idoittt would it kill me to mind my own business?!?!?'

Suddenly the foot steps stoped
"did he leave" i whisper to my self and check if he left or not and he's not there
I sigh loudly "phew that was a close one damn is it just me or im i so lucky today I always knew I was God's favorit-
I tilt my head to left and


A/N: This is my first ever fanfic I hope u liked it ignore all the errors😅

Im kinda editing it as we go so there might be some changes in the writing or pov soo I'm sorry if it changes in any wayy😀


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