9. Secret?

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Jk pov

I leaned in and....

Pecked her rosy lips, after a couple of seconds I realized what I did and I held my mouth in shock

I look up to see y/n in a frozen state damn she looked shocked.....I mean who wouldn't be if some random guy kissed you out of no where

The only way I could rationalize this situation is by apologizing I think

"Y/n.....I'm so sorry I don't know what got into me i just-" but i suddenly got interrupted by y/n pulling me closer and kissing me passionately

My eyes widened by the sudden action but I kissed her back almost immediately

She moved closer deepening the kiss as i put my hand on her neck desperately moving her closer to me

I never felt this before, like something was moving vigorously in my stomach and sparks in heart I wanted her love I wanted her touch I wanted......her

We pulled away from the kiss to catch our breath as we stared into each other eyes for a few seconds

"Jungkook" she whispered softly while panting she looks like she's trying to say something but i did it first

"Y/n.....I like you.....like more than a friend......it kinda sounds weird coming from me since we always treat each other like friends / enemies but I caught romatic feeling for you" I pause a bit and continued to spill out my feelings

"I know you probably won't feel the same way so I'll act normal around you, I won't bother you, or make it obvious I'll act like this never happened-" but soon I was cut of by her fierce voice

"NO! there's no need to do that...cause.......oh my God this is so embarrassing to say.......I may have fallen for you too...." she giggles like a little kid

She smiles at me brightly as I smiled back at her and my heart started racing

I hug her tightly as she embraced me warmly while stroking my hair I felt instant butterflies

Wow the power this women holds over me...

She could give me a heart attack just by looking at me....I like it


Y/n pov

I woke up the next day having a horrible back pain as usual

I shift to adjust my position but I felt someone's hand around my waist I turn around knowing who it is

'He's sleeping so peacefully wow he has god like features how come didn't I notice it before' I thought as i stroked his hair softly

My hand landed on his check.....then to his lips....I brushed it lightly as I bite my own lips remembering what happened yesterday night i held my face in embarrassment as screamed silently buried my face in the pillow

I take a look at him for a moment and carrres his cheeks

"It's not my fault he's this handsome...plus he started it..." I mumbled

But then jungkooks hand held me closer into his arms and cuddling me

"What..is..this..for" I stuttered while looking at his face his eyes are still closed

"If you keep touching me like that....I might get the wrong idea" he whispered with a deep voice
That sent shivers down my whole body

"Ideas like what...?" I said swallowing my own saliva while looking down

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