16. The end

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Y/n pov

2 months later

Another miserable day where my boss gives me an earful for coming late I said in my head as I lazily opened door

And to my surprise there was jungkook.... COOKING?!?
I mean these past weeks he refused to get out of bed and he's was kinda depressed I guess it's nice to see him get out of his room for once

I sneaked up behind him and hugged him from behind while he was chopping some onions

"Heyy" I said resting my head on his back

"Hey" he turned around and hugged me back from the front

"Are you okay" I was kinda afraid to ask this question cause I didn't want to remind him of things he doesn't want to remember

"I guess I am i mean im sure my father will not want me to be depressed because of him and in top of that its not healthy" he grinned at me

I smiled at him "but wow to see you cooking is kinda of a miracle" I teased

"Well one of us has to cook and I don't think I can trust YOU with that we all know how that went for the first time" he smiled back

"Well whatever look like the roles are reversed I go to work and you do the house work ironic isn't it" I laughed

"Girl shut up and be grateful" he was saying but then I heard him wince in pain

I quickly got up "hey, you okay?" i ran over to him

"Yea chill out it's just a cut dang not being immortal sucks human bodies are so weak its pathetic" he complained

I rolled my eyes at him "but its still a cut imma get medicine real quick do NOT move" I warned

"Jeez she's scary some times" he whispered but I look back and stick my tongue at him

"Cute" he said loud enough to make me hear

I quickly grabbed the aid kit as I thought "how can someone says things like that nonchalantly" I calmed myself and went over to him

"Gimme your hand" I said as he put his hands on mine I carefully put alcohol on his wound but I barely could focus I know we're dating but I still get butterflies just by touching his hand I thought as I smiled to myself and bandaged it up

"You realize it's just a cut right I'm not shot by a gun" he said laughing

"Even so I still care about you even if it's a paper cut I don't want to see you hurt in a any way I mean...............your mine after all...every single part of you" I smirked as I saw him look away while his face was flushed in red

I laughed but then he looked at me with daring eyes
"yes I'm yours but its goes both ways you belong to me as well princess" he licked his lips and looked at me with devious eyes "you and your body" he grinned and kissed me on the forehead

I. LOST .IT I covered my face with my hands and screamed into a pillow while he was laughing at me like mad man

"How can you say stuff like that with a serious face its not fairrr?!?!" I whined as I looked at him annoyed

"Well you started it I just wanted to show you.....2 can play that game" he continued laughing his ass off

"Jeez you can stop laughing now isn't your food burning" I rolled my eyes

"Shittt I forgot about that" he said rushing over there and putting water on his burnt pan

I just sat down and admired him as he panicked "gosh how did I fall in love with this idoit " I chuckled

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