Chapter 14

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*Eight Months Later*

"Babe! Can you go make me some mac-n-cheese please. Me and Izayah are hungry." I yell as I rub my ginormous stomach.

"Ugh, you're so stubborn. But of course my love."

He gets up and comes back with fresh mac-n-cheese. Travis gets on his knees and kisses my tummy. He stares at my stomach for awhile thinking.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know if I can do this."

"What? What you mean! It's been 8 months."

"We aren't ready. And neither am I. We are barely 18."

"Well it's too late now to back out! So what the fuck do you expect me to do?!"

"I just need some time to think about this." He says as he walks off into the room.

I get up and follow him and notice that he's packing his bags and grabbing some money.

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere that I can be alone to think."

"Travis please don't leave. Not now!"

"I just need some space."

He runs out the door and I fall to the floor crying. My face is covered in wet tears.

*1 week later*

Travis still hasn't come home yet. I'm getting worried. Our baby is due in 2 weeks. I can't get around on my own. I've been laying here for a week crying and cutting. Blood dripping down my arm. Scars forming from the deep wounds I've caused. I feel a puking feeling coming on and it sucks. I run to the bathroom and puke up blood. The floor is deep red, and right now, I could care less. I chug down pills, locking the door. Hours later I start feeling dizzy and dozing off until I hear a loud bang on the door.

"Sierra, are you in there? What's going on?"

Great. Now he wants to show. I fall and hit my head on the counter laying in my throw up blood, unconscious. Travis screams my name when he hears the thump of my head hitting the counter top. He kicks open the door, trying not to slip in the blood. He drags me out of the bathroom carefully trying not to injure the baby. He throws me into his arms, rushes out the house and runs to the hospital. By the time he gets there, he can feel me dying.

"Somebody please help! My girlfriend is pregnant and is not waking up! Please somebody help!"

A doctor rushes to him and grabs me out of his arms. They lay me out on the stretcher and rush me into the ER. Hours go by with no word from the doctors. Travis is pacing back and forth the waiting room worried. Memories flash through his head of what happened a week before. He tugs at his hair, falls to his knees, and cries. He runs to the wall and punches it repeatedly in anger blaming himself for this mess.

*5 hours later*


Travis looks up to see the surgeon walking towards him. He studies him carefully.

"Yes sir?"

"Sierra is out of surgery. The baby made it. And so did she. She is resting at the moment. And if you'd like, I will take you to her room to meet your newborn son."

Travis rushes to the room immediately without responding to the doctor. He throws the door open and speeds to his little baby.

"He was born 4lbs and 6oz. Such a small little man. But he's handsome. I will leave you be for now. I will need to be checking in hourly on Sierra. But other than that, this room is all yours."

The doctor leaves and shuts the door quietly. Travis picks up his kid softly. Tears of joy falling from his face. The little man looks up at him with his crystal blue eyes and soft caramel skin. Travis smiles at him playing with his little hands. He lays down in the bed next to Sierra and falls asleep with the baby next to him in his arms. Hours later, Travis is woken to his kid crying in his ear.

"Fuck wrong lil dude? You need mommy?"

Travis turns to look at Sierra and notices that shes sitting up awake. Travis picks up the baby and brings him to Sierra, laying him softly in her arms.

"Hey lil man. You good now? I brought you to mommy."

He slowly stops wailing. I look up at Travis surprised and shocked.

"Travis, what are you doing here?" I say.

"I was the one that ran you to the hospital literally. While you and the baby were dying. I was the one that had saved you." He looks at me trying to fight back the tears.

"Well, you should've left me to die like you left me and the baby last week." I turn my head trying not to look at him.

"What the fuck. No! I came back to say sorry! I didn't come back to watch you and my kid die!"

"Well hey, least I didn't leave you. Least I wanted to actually go through with this!"

"I'm so sorry baby! I needed to think. We are so young and it all happened so quick! What did you expect?"

"I don't know. For you to—"

I get cut off when my phone rings. It's the jail. I answer scared.


"Hello. Is this Ms.Mason?"

"Why yes it is. What's this about?"

"I just wanted to let you know that your father, Mr.Mason, has been let out of jail on probation."

The phone hangs up and I drop it in shock and fear.

"What's wrong? Who was that?" Travis asks curiously.

"That was the jail..notifying me that my father was let out of it..on probation."

"Wait what? I thought they were in Paris or some shit!"

"Truth mother was murdered...and my father..well..he raped me throughout my childhood.."

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