Cuddles & Kisses

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Jack Howard walked into the living room of his house and seeing the figure of his best friend on the couch, his eyes narrowed into an annoyed stare.

"Dean Anthony Dobbs, we need to have a talk," he said, his voice serious.

The shorter man looked over at him and rolled his eyes. "Sheesh, you sound like my mum. What, did I forget to put the toilet seat down?"

Jack's eyes narrowed even more. "No, because if that was the case, you wouldn't still be in this house. I just took a look at your Tumblr tag, and it seems Ed Sheeran isn't the only man you've been cuddling with."

Now Dean gave him a confused look. "First of all, what the hell were you doing on my Tumblr tag in the first place? Second, why do you care that I cuddled with Ed or any other man for that matter?"

Jack looked at him as if the answer was obvious. "It's not like Tumblr is private and as for why I care, I thought it was understood that manly cuddles was our special thing. I never said you were allowed to cuddle with anyone else."

Dean stood up and glared at Jack. "I don't need your permission to cuddle with anybody. You don't own me."

Jack glared right back. "I may not own you, but I do own your cuddles. It's been a special tradition just between the two of us ever since we became friends. You can't just flout tradition like that."

Dean looked at Jack incredulously. "You are unbelievable! Who gave you the exclusive right to my affections?"

"There are many forms of physical affection Dean, and that particular form belongs to me."

"So are you telling me that you're jealous?" Dean asked.

"You know what? Yes, I am jealous. I'm your best friend and therefore, I'm the only man allowed to cuddle with you."

"Well what about you then? I've seen your videos and the Tumblr montages, kissing every man you can possibly get your lips on. As you've said, I'm your best friend and the first man you kissed. Why should you be allowed to kiss other men if I'm not allowed to cuddle with other men?"

"That's completely different," Jack said defensively.

"How? Seems exactly the same to me," Dean said.

"Once again, cuddling has been a tradition between us ever since we became friends. There was an unspoken agreement that that specific activity was to only occur between us. No one else."

"Really? Because this is the first I'm hearing of such an agreement."

"Of course this is the first time you're hearing of it! It was unspoken!"

"And I suppose there was no such agreement when it came to kissing other guys, right?"

"Well, no. Those kisses were all just stunts for the camera. It makes no sense to say that I can pull a stunt with one person, but not with another. Our cuddles are different. It's a personal, intimate thing and I think I have a right to expect that it only occur between us."

Dean's eyes narrowed in anger. "Kissing is pretty damn intimate too, you git. You can't brush off being a fucking man-whore by saying that all those kisses were just stunts."

"Why do you care that I kissed other guys, especially when they didn't mean anything?" Jack asked.

"Because maybe the ones we shared meant something to me. Maybe I felt special being the first man you kissed and being the one you kissed the most. Besides, if you're allowed to be petty and jealous about me cuddling with other guys, I'm allowed to be petty and jealous about you kissing other guys."

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