Blind Date

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Jack Howard was in front of the mirror making sure he looked presentable, but his expression was a combination of anxiousness and annoyance. His friend and flatmate Christopher Bingham or Bing as he called him, had set him up on a blind date without his knowledge, since it was Valentine's Day and Bing refused to have Jack spend it alone.

Bing hadn't told him much about his date other than the fact that it was another man and that was what had him nervous. Jack didn't date much and although he liked men (and women), he'd never gone out with a guy before. So many fears ran through his head. Would they get along? Would he say something stupid? Was this man even gay or bi? What if Bing had set him up with a straight guy just for laughs?

Jack shook his head as he looked at himself. "Stop worrying so much. You're a good-looking, funny, charismatic guy. You've charmed plenty of girls so you can do the same to a boy."

"That's the spirit Jack," Bing said walking over to him.

Jack turned and looked at his friend. "Why did you set me up with a guy again?"

"Because you need to expand your horizons. If you give dating boys a chance, you'll have a much bigger pool of potential mates."

"Is this guy even gay? Does he like other boys?"

"Of course he does. I wouldn't have you date someone who wasn't open to the idea of being with the same sex."

"And where is your date for tonight?"

"Ben is coming over right after you leave so I hope your date gets here fast so I can get rid of you."

Jack pretended to look hurt. "Well I'm sorry that I'm such terrible company."

"You can be insufferable sometimes."

"You know what? I hope my date gets here soon too. I don't have to stand here and be insulted."

The doorbell rang just then. "That must be him," Bing said.

"Hopefully, he's nicer than you are," Jack said as he walked to the door.

He opened the door to find a young man around his age. He was four to five inches shorter than Jack and had brown eyes and long dark brown hair with bangs that nearly covered his eyes. Jack had to admit, he was really cute.

"Hi. My name is Jack Howard," he said with a smile.

The boy smiled back and Jack thought it made him look even more adorable. "Dean Dobbs. Bing told me you were attractive, but I didn't think you'd be so sexy."

Jack's smiled widened. I just met this guy and he's already flirting with me. I like it.

"So, where are we going?" Dean asked.

"You're going to the cinema first and then a small eatery of your choice," Bing said from behind Jack.

"Okay. You ready to go?" Jack asked Dean. The shorter man nodded.

"Have fun on your date boys," Bing said as they walked down the stairs.

"Thanks. By the way, if you end up having sex with Ben, please go to your room so I don't walk in on it again."


They arrived at the movie theatre and looked at the listings.

"What movie do you want to see?" Jack asked.

"Let's see Godzilla. I've wanted to see it for a while and to see how the big guy looks."


They walked up to the booth and ordered the tickets, which Jack paid for, and walked into the building.

"Do you want to get snacks?" Jack asked.

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