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Jack and Dean were sitting at the kitchen table of Jack's house, bills spread out between them. They had recently filmed and uploaded the music video for their song Consent and were still trying to pay off the expenses associated with studio time for recording the song and paying all the people who served as actors for the video.

"We still have a balance of nearly a thousand pounds left to pay off. What are we going to do?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. We don't upload videos frequently enough to use YouTube to pay it off. What do you suggest?" Dean asked.

"I have no idea and it really frustrates me. Do you think maybe your brother could loan us the money?"

"Then we'd be in debt to him and we'd be back in the same bind."


"Maybe we could find something to sell and pay the bill off that way."

Jack looked at Dean skeptically. "What, become traveling salesman? What could we possibly sell? All the proceeds for Consent go to charity and the little bit of merchandise we have barely nets us a profit."

"Well, what about having a lemonade stand?" Dean asked, smiling sheepishly.

Jack deadpanned at his friend. "You have got to be fucking kidding me."

"I was...sort of. But seriously, selling food might work. There's always a market for good food."

"Why would anyone buy food from us when they can just go to the supermarket and get it?" Jack asked.

"Because we'd sell it at a more competitive price. Besides, we're semi-famous so anyone who's a fan of us would have an additional incentive to buy."

Jack sighed. "I just don't see how this is going to work."

Dean gave him an annoyed look. "Well, do you have a better idea?"

"Sadly, no. Alright, what product are we going to sell?"

"Maybe chocolate bars?" Dean suggested.

"Chocolate bars? Why not something healthy like apples or carrots?"

"Everyone has a sweet tooth Jack. I think it would be easier to sell a snack."

"You have a point. Okay, let's go get some chocolate bars."


They went to the grocery store and several department stores and bought all the chocolate bars they could, which cost them about 400 pounds, giving them just over 500 chocolate bars. They didn't tell any of the store employees why they were buying so many chocolate bars. They also bought boxes to carry the bars in.

Once they got home, they put the bars in the boxes and went outside, looking out at the street.

"So I guess we'll start with our street and then go through the rest of the neighborhood," Dean said.

"Makes sense," Jack said.

They went to the house next door and Jack knocked on the door. A man that looked to be in his early 40s came to the door. He had straight sandy blond hair and brown eyes. He was two inches taller than Jack.

"Good afternoon sir. Could we interest you in a chocolate bar?" Jack asked giving a small smile.

The man gave them a surprised look. "Chocolate? Did you say chocolate?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes sir. We have three kinds; regular, with almonds and white chocolate," Dean said, smiling as well.

The man's expression seemed to grow angrier. "Chocolate? CHOCOLATE?" His eyes widened and got a crazed look in them as the volume of his voice increased until he was screaming. "CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE!"

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