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Dean Dobbs was in the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend Jack Howard, trying to fight the urge to empty the contents of his stomach onto the bed. He had given into a craving for grilled cheese for lunch that day and stupidly decided to wash it down with milk instead of water, despite the fact that he was lactose intolerant, a choice that Jack had berated him for several times already and that he was still beating himself up for.

"I hate myself," Dean moaned. He had a cold rag pressed against his forehead.

"As well you should, but I've already chastised you enough and you need to focus on getting better instead of wallowing in self-pity," Jack said from the other side of the room.

"Can you refill my glass?" Dean asked, looking over at his boyfriend. The look of misery on his face almost made Jack feel sorry for him.


As he started walking over to the desk next to the bed, he noticed Dean starting to shake. He stood up and wobbled so Jack ran over and put his arm around Dean's back to steady him. Dean lurched and then vomited all over Jack's shirt. Jack made a noise of disgust and once Dean got his bearings, he looked up at his boyfriend apologetically.

"I'm sorry Jack..."

"...It's okay. You didn't mean to. I'll just go to the bathroom and try to wash this out."

Jack lifted his shirt up to contain the vomit and walked out of the room. Dean steadied himself and slowly followed. Once he got there, he saw Jack with his blue dress shirt soaking in the sink, leaving a white T-shirt on.

"Dean, what are you doing in here?" he asked.

"I figured I'd just stay in here until my stomach settles, in case I throw up again." He walked over to the toilet and opened the lid before getting down on his knees. He looked over to Jack. "You don't have to stay. I'll come back once I'm done."

Then Jack did something Dean didn't expect. He smiled and knelt down next to the shorter man. "No, I'll stay. I'm your boyfriend after all so it's my job to take care of you until you're well again."

Dean smiled gratefully at him.


Dean vomited a couple more times that day, and he continued to drink small amounts of water to calm his stomach. Once he no longer felt the need to puke, he and Jack went back into the bedroom and he climbed in bed, feeling tired.

"I'll make you some tea. Be sure to drink all of it before you go to sleep," Jack said.

"Thanks," Dean said, smiling at him.

"I'm not tired yet so I'll be in the living room reading. If you need me, just call."

Dean nodded. "I'm sorry about your shirt."

"Don't worry about it. It was an accident and the shirt can be washed." He headed for the door.

"I love you Jack."

Jack turned back and smiled. "I love you too idiot," he said before leaving the room.


AN: Based on a prompt from OTPPrompts as most of all of these will be (figured I'd tell you all now since it's hard to come up with one-shot ideas). I hope you liked this one. Wrote it fairly quickly. Comments and votes are appreciated.

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