Selfie Prank

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Dean was bored. Jack was over at Louise Pentland's house filming a video and Dean was left alone in the flat. He went into the kitchen and took out a ramen cup. He got out a pan and filled it with water before putting on the stove and turning it on. As he went back to the living room, he glanced over in Jack's room and noticed what looked like Jack's mobile phone on the desk by his bed.

He went in and saw that it was in fact, Jack's phone. A mischievous smile formed on Dean's face.

I know how I can have some fun.

He cut on the phone and saw the password screen come up. After a about a minute, he figured out the number to get into the phone by typing in the first four digits of Peter Parker's birthday since he knew Jack loved Spiderman.

"Now, let's take some pictures."

He went to the camera and switched the perspective so that it was showing his face. He snapped several pictures while making different faces. After taking ten pictures, Dean went onto the Twitter app and since the password filled in automatically, he got in easily.

"Oh Jack, I can't wait to see how you react to this."

He composed a tweet and posted one of the selfies of him smiling that he took and added in the caption section, "I love Dean so much! He holds my heart and means the world to me!" He sent the tweet, grinning from ear to ear.

Dean shut off the phone and went back into the kitchen to check on the water.


Forty-five minutes later, Dean heard Jack's car pull up and the door unlock. He was in his room drawing when he heard Jack's angry voice yell out, "Dean Anthony Dobbs, get out here!"

Stifling a chuckle, Dean walked out of his room and up to a very annoyed Jack Howard.

"Yes Jack?" Dean asked, sporting what he hoped was an innocent smile.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jack held up a paper depicting the tweet Dean sent.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Who gave you permission to go into my phone?"

"I was bored and looking for something to do. Besides, it's kinda your fault for leaving it at the house."

"Do you realize the shitstorm you caused? Everyone is gloating and talking about my so-called 'confession' and Jean Hobbs being real."

"Of course I realize it; that's why I did it."

He glared at Dean for several seconds before saying, "You are a massive prick, you know that?"

"It was just a prank and anyway, this is easy to fix. Just go on Twitter and explain that your account was hacked and the tweet didn't come from you."

Suddenly, Jack's cheeks began to color. "What if I don't want to fix it?"

Dean's expression changed from amused to confused. "What do you mean?"

"I was talking to Louise about how to do this, but in light of your little prank, I might as well just come out with it. I like you. A lot. And I want to know'd like to take our relationship further and start dating."

Dean studied Jack's face and saw no sign that he was joking. "You-you're serious, aren't you?" Jack nodded. After a few seconds, Dean grinned. "Well then, it's a good thing I like you a lot too."

"I assume that means yes."


Jack sighed in relief and gave Dean a small smile. "You know, this isn't exactly how I pictured telling you my feelings and that's part of why I was annoyed. You took away my ability to confess on my terms."

Dean now looked guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Exactly, you didn't know so I can't be too mad at you. I mean hey, at least something good came out of it."

"So does that mean I' m not in trouble for playing with your phone?" Dean asked hopefully.

"Oh you're still in trouble. Your punishment is just reduced."


"I was going to punch you in the face, but instead you have to go on Twitter and tell everyone that we're together."

"That's it?" Dean asked, smirking.

"No. You also have to say that you're the bottom in our relationship."

The smirk left immediately and Dean paled. "WHAT?" Now it was Jack who was smirking. "I'd rather get punched in the face."

"Okay." Jack socked Dean between the eyes, making him stagger.

"Ouch! That actually hurt!"

"Next time, don't touch my stuff without my permission."

"Noted," Dean said, rubbing his forehead. "Anyway, is that how you want to tell people that we're official?"

"Sure. It's easier than making a video."


Dean ran into his room. Jack assumed that he was getting his phone and so waited a couple minutes before following.

"Did you send the tweet?"

"Yep, just now."

Jack looked over Dean's shoulder and saw the text of the message.

'Yes everyone, Jack is head-over-heels in love with me and we are in fact dating. And the best part is that I love him back.'

Jack gave Dean a deadpan look. "What?" Dean asked, smiling sheepishly. Jack didn't answer and kissed him instead.


AN: I know, I never update this fast. This is another prompt based story. Hope you all enjoy it. Comments and votes are appreciated.

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