Why Not?

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Bing, Ben, Jack and Dean were all playing Mario Kart 8 and so far, Bing had won the most rounds, with Jack second, Dean third and Ben last.

"Mario seems to be doing pretty poorly in his own game. I wonder if it's because of the person controlling him," Bing said, smirking triumphantly at Jack.

"How is he doing poorly when he's in second place overall?" Jack retorted.

"A distant second," Bing corrected. "And Dean, isn't it interesting that you're playing as Luigi?"

"How is it interesting?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow at Bing.

"Well, Luigi is Mario's partner, just like you're Jack's partner on YouTube."

"And? What are you implying?"

Bing smiled innocently. "I'm not implying anything. I just think it's an interesting coincidence."

"Would you prefer I play as Princess Peach?" Dean asked, smirking at Bing.

"Actually, I like that idea," Jack said suddenly. "Our relationship is like Mario and Luigi's but it's like Mario and Peach's too since people ship us with each other."

"Are you saying that you want to be more than just YouTube partners, Jack?" Dean asked, the smirk still on his face

"Well technically, we're already more than YouTube partners since we're also best friends."

"You know what he was implying Jack and I actually think it's a good idea," Bing said.

"What's a good idea?" Jack asked, feigning ignorance.

"You two should just drop the pretense and start dating. You already act like lovers in a lot of ways."

"Name one example," Jack said.

"You spoon with each other whenever you sleep together," Bing said immediately.

"You're constantly flirting with each other," Ben said from beside Bing.

"You love to be in close proximity to each other in romantic ways, both in and out of your videos," Bing said.

"And Jack acts like a jealous boyfriend whenever someone brings up the idea of Dean being involved with someone else," Ben said. "Granted, that's only when he's drunk."

Dean looked over at Jack, the expression on his face clearly asking, 'What the fuck?' Jack blushed crimson.

"So yeah, you should like, totally date," Bing said with an exaggerated valley girl accent.

Dean suddenly smiled. "Well honestly, I wouldn't mind. In fact, I would if I could." He glanced over at his best friend. "Can I Jack?"

Jack's initial reaction was one of shock, but it was soon replaced by happiness as he smiled back at Dean.

"Sure, why not?"


AN: This very short one-shot is prompt inspired and I hope you like it, despite its length. Comments and votes are appreciated.

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