Lesson 5

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Hiccup and I arrived at the gate, and there I spotted my sister, Leiko. "Leiko!" I called. She saw me and gave me a salute. "How's school?" I ask her. "Its cool, get along well." She replied popping her gum.

"And don't call me Leiko, only my classmates call me that remember?" She said. "Fine, Gogo." I said teasing her. Oops, wait, let me introduce myself first.

Hi! I'm Aliana Laika Hofferson, but my friends call me Astrid, well I usually introduce myself as Astrid. 15 years old, a nerd as you can see, thick glasses, and had an IQ like my sister, Leiko Tanaka Hofferson, or Gogo. Were a bit of smart people, our father is an mechanical engineer, and our mother is a science enthusiast.

I'm eldest of us two, Leiko is also 15, were twins but I'm the first one who got out. Okay, enough said. "So, ready to go?" She asked. "Oh, wait let me just go get my stuff." I said as I turn to Hiccup, talking to his brother maybe.

"Uh...excuse me." I said tapping Hiccup. "Yes?" He ask. "My books." I replied pointing at the books he was holding. "Oh, right here." He said and gave them to me. "Thanks again for helping me Hiccup." I said giving a light bow to him. "No problem, oh and I want you to meet my brother." Hiccup said and pulled the boy beside him.

"Meet Hiro, my youngest brother." He said. The little boy smiled and waved at me. "Hello, nice to meet you." I said. "Oh hi Leiko!" He said. I look behind and saw my twin. "You know her?" I ask him. "Yeah, were classmates." Gogo replied.

I raised an eyebrow and look at Hiccup. "Uh...Hiro is a kind of a very smart guy, and he graduated grade school at 10, and now he's in 4th year." Hiccup explained. "Really." I said impressed.

"We better be going now Hiccup." I said. "By Hiro! Nice meeting you two!" I said and waved at them. Gogo and I walked together down the sidewalk. "Cool, a young boy in 4 year highschool." I said. "Yeah, he's kinda my rival on every subject." Gogo said. "How old is Hiro exactly?" I ask her. "14." Gogo replied.

"Looks like you and that Hiccup are close." Gogo said. "Nah, he's just being nice." I replied. "I got used to that." I said

You see, back in SFIT in San Fransokyo, when Gogo and I are just new, guys use to me nice to you, and in the middle of the year, they get to be distant and cold to you, and they get to tease you on how you look. Gogo is like that too.

"Hey, let's race." Gogo challenged. I look st her, "Leiko! Not here! You know there are violations here in Berk." I scolded her. "Ugh! C'mon." She groaned. "We can race in the subdivision, don't worry, I'll beat you anyway." I said.

"Ha.ha." she laughed sarcastically. "C'mon." I said as I grab her arm and we ran down the streets until we got to our subdivision.

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