Lesson 57

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I stared at the night sky, looking up at the bright shimmering stars. When I was a kid, my mom once told me and my sister, that stars, take you to see your destiny, just connect the dots, that showed an arrow.

I tried to find stars, that was connecting into an arrow, but all o can see was an archer, pointing at the direction to the right.

I followed where it was leading, and I saw it was on the direction at Hiccup's house. I sighed, looking at the house.

Relax Astrid...

I look up at the stars again, "Maybe that arrow isn't for me." I whispered to myself, and turn myself to face my room, and saw my sister, calling Hiro, who was on her bed, while reading a magazine of cars and other awesome vehicles.

"That arrow is for her." I told myself smiling at my sister. Well, if I cannot have that arrow to my happiness, then I should give my stored happiness to my sister, its better to give than keep it.

Which gives me an idea. "Hey Gogo!" I called walking towards her bed with a smile. "Oh, sis, what's up?" She asked sitting up while phone still on the ear.

"Wait a sec k Hiro, my sis is calling." Gogo said and hung up. "So, what's up?" She asked me. I sat down beside her. "I have to show you something." I said pulling her off the bed and drag her out to the balcony.

"What's the fuss you have to drage here?" She asked impatiently. I then put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her beside me and I pointed up the sky, showing her the archer.

"An archer!" Gogo exclaimed. I let go of her and smiled. "Yeah! It leads you to your destiny!" Gogo smiled, "I know." She followed the direction of the Archer that leads to the Haddock residence, that was only two houses away from us.

Gogo then sighed, putting an arm on my shoulder. "You know sis, I think that arrow isn't for me." I look at her confused, "Why not?" I ask. "Cause that arrow is for you." She replied. "You saw it first, so it means, its yours."

I roll my eyes, "You know what, why don't you just call Hiro, while I call Mr. Chan to ask about the pageant this Friday." I said pushing her back inside.

She's right Astrid, that arrow is for you.

But what if not? Its not. I cannot be with him, not anymore.

Suddenly, my phone just rang. I pick it up and answered the call without even looking at the caller.


(Babe?) A familiar voice said. I almost dropped my phone on how surprised I am.

"Hiccup? Why'd you called??"

(I need to talk to you.)

"We have nothing to talk about."

(Yes, there is, I'm not giving up on you, I'm not giving up on us.)

I sighed, walking my way to the balcony, and saw him outside our house, standing there while looking at the balcony, where I am right now.

"Hiccup, I warn you, go away now."

(Not until you come down here, and talk to me.)

"Can't you understand? Your engaged, we cannot be together again."

(But you still love me.)


(Babe, please, give me at least 30 minutes, give me time, to talk, and to tell you everything I wanted to say.)

I sighed, seeing his with that sad look on his face, it makes my heart crash into pieces.

"Fine, but just for 30 minutes." I said and hung up. I turn to Gogo who was looking at me, her arms crossed over her chest, while an eyebrow was raised. "Where are you going big sis?" She asked.

"Gogo, I have to get to Hiccup." I said holding her shoulders. "So you can get back with him?" She asked. "No, I have to end this now." I said seriously as I could.

"Want me to help?" She asked. I smiled and nodded my head. Gogo then grab my arm and pulled me out of our room and downstairs where we saw our dad by the living room reading and doing his work.

"Dad, can we go out for about...2 hours?" Gogo asked. Dad turn to us with raised eyebrows. "Why? Where are you girls going?" He asked.

"Aliana needs some fresh air, while I have to go to the store, I need to buy some stuff for school." My sister replied. Dad put his hands on his hips. "Alright, but you two, should be home before 9 o'clock, or else you both will end up grounded." Dad said.

I smiled and gave dad a hug. "Thanks for understanding." I said and Gogo and I rush out of the house before dad could change his mind. We saw Hiccup, standing in front of us his phone still on his ear.

I grab his arm and drag him with us far away from our house.

"Your crazy you know, what if dad sees you out here??" I snapped as we stop by an abandoned house just next to Hiccup's house.

He then pulled me into a tight hug. "Hiccup! What are you doing?!" I said surprised but didn't pushed him away though.

Gogo then came and pull us apart. "Hold up mister." She said stepping in front of me like a shield. "I have heard that your engaged, so why are you still after my sister?!" Gogo snapped.

"Leiko, you know how much I love her right? And its my dad who was the reason I'm engaged, I didn't do that." Hiccup pointed out. "I know but that doesn't change the fact that Astrid can be your affair, my sister is not a doll you can just play now and leave it when you don't like it anymore." Gogo yelled at him.

Hiccup look at me with sadness in his eyes. I know he's telling the truth but, my sister is right, I cannot be his affair, I don't deserve to be an affair.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, but...my sister is right."

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