Lesson 32

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Samantha's show up story: part 1

Gogo's P.O.V. 3 weeks ago..

I'm now walking towards the locker hall to get a little stuff for today's lesson in biology.

When I got to the locker hall, I saw Hiro by his locker, getting something. Since were in the same class, I decided, why not I walk with him there.

"Hiro!" I called. Hiro look at my direction and smiled. "Hey Leiko! Good morning." He greeted me. "Good morning to you too." I greeted back. "Have you heard about the new.girl?" Hiro asked me. I raised my eyebrow, "no, why?" I ask him.

"You have to meet her, she's so cool, and I heard she's the principal's daughter." Hiro said. I smiled, a fake one, why do I feel like I'm getting a bit jelly that Hiro is interested of this new girl?

"So you talked already?" I ask him. "Yeah, we did, actually we met when I was entering the building, her name's Samantha." Hiro replied smiling widely.

"You sure look happy." I said as I opened my locker which was just near his. "Well kinda, cause there will be a new student, and new friend." Hiro replied.

"I'd like to meet this girl, where is she?" I ask Hiro looking around. "I think she's in our classroom, she's our classmate." Hiro replied.

"Okay then, let's go." I said slamming my locker door shut. "Okay, let's go." Hiro said grabbing my hand and drag me with him.

*everything goes slow motion*




Wow, I can hear my heart beats fast. I look at mine and Hiro's hands that were in twine, that I haven't notice that our fingers were laced together.


"Huh?" I ask snapping out of my thoughts. Too much day string I didn't notice were already in the classroom.

"Yes?" I ask. "This is Samantha." Hiro said as girl with brown hair that stops by her shoulder, and black eyes, as tall as Hiro, a little bit smaller than me.

"Hi! You must be Leiko, Hiro told me that both of you are best friends?" The Samantha girl said in a sweet smile.

"Uh..yeah, Hi, nice to meet you." I said smiling back at her.

"So Sam, after school, wanna hang out? I want you to meet my nurse bot, Baymax." Hiro said excitedly at Sam. Hmm...why didn't Hiro acted like this when I'm with him? He seem so confident in front of Samantha. And when I'm with him, why didn't he be as confident as this one?

And why do I feel like this?

Two weeks later...

"Leiko!" I heard a voice called, I turn around and saw Hiro..and Samantha.

Hmm...I notice these past two weeks, Hiro and Sam are getting close, and Hiro keeps leaving me behind?

"Hey." I greeted him not so cheerfully. "So are you up for tonight at my house?" Asked Samantha. "Were gonna work on the project we had." Hiro said.

I'm sorry, I just don't want to interrupt your date together, so I'll just pass!

"Sorry, but I'm not feeling well, maybe next time." I replied. "Wait you okay? Are you sick?" Hiro asked touching my forehead and cup my face, making me feel like their burning hot.

Does this how it feels when your being held by your crush? Wait what?! What am I saying?

"Uh..yeah! I'll go ahead." I said as I step back and started running away.

After school...

I'm now heading towards the bike stand where I chained my bike. I'm gonna go fetch my beloved twin, or maybe go home alone, because she's gonna be with Hiccup.

When I got there, I saw something unexpected. Hiro and Sam, riding Hiro's bike.


(End of part one)

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