Lesson 40

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Were now sitting by a restaurant, I'm not sure what this is called, but the food, are so expensive, its like my allowance for a week.

"So, what do you want?" Hiccup asked. I look at him, "Hiccup, I can't, its too much, I don't want to eat here, its too expensive, and I can't pay you." I said. Hiccup sighed and held my hands. "Astrid, I told you, you don't have to pay me, and besides, I should make you happy, I'm your boyfriend, its my job to keep you happy." Hiccup said.


Wait, did he say he's my boyfriend?

"Hiccup, I..." I said out of words. "Astrid, I know you don't understand what I'm trying to show you, but please try to understand, I'll show you more, until you figure out what it is." Hiccup said.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Okay I know its confusing, but...I love her. I think I do.

"Hiccup, what are you trying to say?" She asked. I held her hands tight, and look into her deep blue eyes. "Astrid, uh....how can I say this." I began. "Well what if we turn this fake relationship into a real one?" I ask her.

Astrid's eyes widened, like she just saw a monster or something. Astrid tried to slips her hands off, but I held them tight. "Well I'm not forcing you to say yes, but I'll be here waiting for anything you say, I'll be listening." I said. I can see water slowly forming in her eyes, she was about to cry. Her tears were about to fall when I wipe them away.

"Don't cry,.please?" I said. Astrid wiped her following tears away. "Uh..we should talk somewhere private, I wanna tell you something." She said. "Let's just have a take out." She added.

I nodded and called for a waiter to take out our food orders. When we finally got our order, Astrid and I went out of the mall, and decided to go to the park, by the playground, sitting on the swing.

"So...what were you gonna tell me?" I ask her. I hear a sigh from her and she suddenly spoke.

"Hiccup, are you even sure that you wanted to make this fake relationship of our into a real one?" She ask. I look at her, she was looking at me with serious in her expression.

I nodded my head, "I do." I said. I stand up from my seat and went in front of Astrid. I tool her hands into mine and look into her beautiful eyes. "Astrid, I know its kinda crazy, and its almost a month, and I realised that, I think...I love you." I said.

Astrid's eyes went wide, "H-Hiccup, b-but..." She stuttered. "Shh...I know, I know its too ridiculous for both of us." I said cutting her off.

Suddenly she started sobbing. "Your such a cheater, you didn't even told me there's a catch in the end." She said now crying. Man, I feel bad.

I then pulled her into a hug. "Shh...don't cry please? I don't wanna see you cry." I said stroking her soft golden hair. "You didn't even say anything about this." She said crying on my shoulder. "I know I'm sorry, I didn't even know it will end out like this." I said rubbing her back to comfort her.

Astrid pulled away and look at me while glaring. "You owe me Haddock!" She snapped then hit me on my shoulder hard making me fall on the ground. "What was that for?" I ask her as I sit up while rubbing my shoulder.

"For making me cry." She said as she went closer to me. She then grab my collar and...


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