Lesson 51

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" I shriek, hearing those words from my dad, I'm engaged?! To Rhea?!

"But dad! You know I'm with Astrid!" I snapped. My dad's eyes widened of what I said, must have been unexpected. Wait, I haven't told him about me and Astrid.

"What?!" Its time for him to shriek like I did. He slammed his fists on the table making a loud bang.

"Son.." Dad said in a lower tone voice, but I can see he's surprised. "I know it hurts you but, I'm ordering you, to broke up with Astrid." Dad said.

I widened my eyes, Broke up with Astrid? But we haven't even been gone for a month!

"No." My mouth slipped. "No?" Dad said his eyebrows meeting each other making a horrifying glare.

"I won't dad, I'm against this arrangement." I said standing up. "Hiccup's right dad, its...too...surprising." Tadashi said standing beside me. "We'll talk later boys, but go on, run a long, and were not done yet on discussing this." Dad said. I groaned in frustration and marched out of his office, slamming the door.

"Everything okay sweetie?" Aunt Cass asked. I sighed and just nodded. "No need to worry Aunt Cass." I said and climb up the stairs to my room.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling feeling betrayed. Well it will be okay if I'm arranged to Astrid than Rhea, we never even met!

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I pick up the phone and look at the caller, and it was Astrid.

"Hello?" I said.

(Hey Hiccy, where are you?) Astrid's voice asked on the other line.

"I'm at home, why?" I replied.

(Can we meet? Well I'm at the park right now, alone, can you come over? I wanted to talk to you.) Astrid asked.

"Okay, sure be right there in a jiffy." I said and hung up.

I quickly got up and changed to my outdoor clothes. I ran down the stairs and out the house and to the garage to get my bike.

"Where are you going?' Ask a voice. I turn around and saw my brothers. "Need to go see Astrid." I replied and got on my bike and roll down the streets.

When I got to the park, I saw Astrid sitting by the park bench, kicking her feet on the grass.

"Astrid." I called as I walked towards her. "Hey.' She greeted, a smile plastered on her face. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask her and sat down beside her.

"Well, about acting distant from you." She replied. "You notice that right?" She ask. I just nodded my head. Astrid then laid her head on my shoulder, I wrap my arms around her tight, not wanting to let her go.

"Sorry about that..." She said. "I-its okay." I said a bit shaking.

Should I tell her? Well for sure shell be mad and broke up with me... Oh for the love of Thor!

"Hiccy, you okay?" She asked me. I look down at her, she was puzzled of what I'm acting right now.

"Sorry, I just..." I said but didn't continue, I feel my heart is going to explode.

Suddenly I smashed my lips against hers, giving her a kiss, she was a bit startled of what I did but returned it afterwards. We pulled away and I pull her in a hug, as a tear fell down my face.

"Hiccup, are you okay?" Astrid asked. I just nodded my head and burry my face on her neck.

"Always remember, I love you, okay?" I whispered to her. "Of course I will, even if something is against us." Astrid said hugging me back.

Astrid's P.O.V.

Hiccup's acting strange today, I wonder why? Did his father scolded him? And...why was ye saying these words to me like ye was leaving for how long?

"Oh, um...do you want ice cream? My treat." Hiccup asked pulling away from the hug. I just smiled and nodded my head, "be right back." He said and walked towards the ice cream cart.

He returned with two ice cream in his hands and gave me the other one. "Thanks." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome." He said and started eating.


After eating and a little chitchat, Hiccup and I went home, we rode on his bike all lathe way home.

"So, babe, see you tomorrow k?" Hiccup said as he helped me down his bike. "Sure, I'll be early." I said smiling and kissed his cheek one last time.

"K, love you." He bid. "I love you too." I said and waved as he went away. I sighed with a smile on my face and walked my way inside.

"Hey cousin Aliana!" Greeted little Sofia as she saw me entering the house.

"Hey, Sof, and...where's mom and dad?" I ask her. "They went out for a dinner date." Replied Sofia giggling. "How about Gogo?" I ask. "Cousin Leiko is upstairs, talking to a boy named Hiro." She replied now turning to the T.V.

"Okay, thanks Sofia." I said and climb up the stairs and went to my room, where I saw Gogo and Hiro, sitting on the bed.

"Hey Hiro, what's up?" I ask him as I walked towards me bed.

"Astrid, you need to know something." Gogo said standing up, walking towards me.

"What is it?" I ask worriedly, cause I can see the worry in their faces, they're unbearable. "Its about Hiccup." Hiro said.

"What about Hiccup?" I ask curiously.



Hold it right there!

Okay, Hola! Sorry haven't updated yesterday, was a bit busy. Anyways...

Aaaaaah!!! Hiccup is engaged with Rhea! *throw's breakable glass on the floor*

A: Hiccup is what?

M: Nothing *zips lips together*

A: Okay, I'll just wait till Hiro tell me. *walks away*

M: *unzips lips* My, I almost slipped there...

Okay, gotta go, before I spill the beans.


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