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No matter how much I didn't want to see or speak to Loki ever again, I knew I couldn't leave him unattended for too long. We all know the kinds of things happen when I do. Before I turned around, and what actually made me think about it in the first place, I heard a sudden voice in my head. "Mother," it said first. It was Luka's voice. As I sped to a stop I spun all around, wondering if he somehow followed me. Of course I saw no one.

When he started to speak more, I suddenly realized where I was. The middle of nowhere. With a thousand stars, all different colors, too. The further I could see in the opposite direction of Asgard the more beautiful and enchanting it looked.

"Mother, please come back. Father means well, he wants to fix everything. He can and he will. Just...give him one more chance." It occurred to me that Luka was praying. Any other spirit who has living Asgardian family would get these kinds of prayers daily, worded differently of course. But since Odin's spell, no one knows me, no one prays to me. Except now with the living Luka.

As I stared at the stars I spoke to myself, unsure Luka could hear me at all. "He's gotten one too many second chances. How can he fix anything? You do know there's no way your father can undo any of his deeds, right? Luka, you need to get as far away from him as you possibly can. Whatever he has planned-"

I was cut off by a whizzing sound not too far away from my position. I spun around to see a line of Frost Giants cruising toward me on their solar surfers. I involuntarily screamed and ducked as I thought they would pass over me. But when I raised my head again not ten seconds later, I noticed they were all now lining up in a long line right in front of me.

I stood up and stared at each of them, and of course none of them paid heed. The blue skin of the Giants contrasted the sunset color starry surrounding in a hideous way. They all looked like robots, staring straight ahead and not speaking to one another. Then again, perhaps they were just well trained warriors.

What are they doing here? And if they're already here, why have they stopped? I attempted to fly forward through the multitudes of the ugly blue soldiers, only to be blocked in my trail by an invisible force directly in front of the first row of them. "What?" I whispered to myself, rubbing my head where I was hit.

I stuck my hand out, and even though it was invisible I felt it fall on something. Like a glass wall. My jaw dropped open as I pulled my hand away. There's no I at the barrier? The realm barrier! No! It's impossible!

I looked up as finally two of the Giants started conversing. "What are we supposed to do here? Wait?" One demanded.
"Precisely." Another replied nonchalantly.
"For what?!"
"For a signal."
"From who?!" This guy was getting less impatient with every word exchanged between him and his comrade. "Hold your tongue!" The clam one blew up, "One of us! He'll break the barriers soon! Be patient you twit!"

GOD DAMN IT, LOKI!! That's it! I'm flying back to the palace to let him bring me back to life, then I'm going to murder him for sure!


I caught Loki (well...Odin) on the way to a meeting, in the nick of time I suggest. He was crossing the bridge, heading toward the bifrost. I flew beside him and shouted about everything I'd found and that he wouldn't get away with any of it. He ignored me, to the point where I was soon yelling it in his ear in able to get attention. Although I didn't see his expression, he was quickening his walking pace. Getting angry, but he can't let his Loki show through here.

Or so I thought.

"Serena!" He yelled as he halted and spun around, looking for me. "Go to the palace! Watch over Luka...he's going to need you," he told me cryptically as he turned around again and started walking over the bridge at his normal pace.

What was that supposed to mean? Luka doesn't need me anymore, he loves his father. Despite the request I follow "Odin," only this time I keep quiet.

As the bridge came to an end and we approached the bifrost and Heimdal, Odin was greeted with respect. But as soon as the guardian bowed to his supposed King, he paused and looked up. "My lord, are you feeling well?" He inquired. I shifted my glance to Odin, who didn't flinch. Loki played the part well.

"Why the question, Heimdal?" Loki dodged the question. As Odin he tried to sound annoyed. Heimdal studied the king. "Something isn't right...I can sense a presence."

Already I knew Heimdal wasn't talking about me floating about. He meant that Loki was using Odin's body as disguise. He knows, he can almost sense it. But to throw him off, I spoke up, "It's me. I'm a spirit, I'm the eerie you sense." I knew Heimdal, as a guardian, could hear me. Like Loki could with the staff.

Without a puzzling silence Heimdal declared, "A wandering spirit, forgive me for questioning you, your excellency."

"What news of my son?" Odin wondered, but I could tell that was Loki searching desperately for a conversation change. At the question Heimdal smirked. "Which son?"
"Watch your tongue," Odin asserted, pretending to take offense. I couldn't tell if Heimdal really was teasing, or hinting at the fact he knew something was off with in, Loki.

"Time moves much quicker in Midgard. Thor by now is starting a family of his own. He has a daughter on the way." Heimdal reported in a rush. Odin kept quiet for a moment. It's probably Loki trying to come up with a response. But he didn't. Not to anything about Thor anyway. "Shut the bifrost down, Heimdal," he requested. Heimdal didn't look phased, he just instead asked, "My lord, why?"

"We can't afford for anyone to use it at this time. An army of Frost Giants is underway and any crack or crevice into this realm is a risk for every one of us. Shut it down," explained Odin. In response Heimdal bowed and assured his king that he'd obey. With that Odin walked away.

I remained stationary, staring at the fake Odin's back. I couldn't tell anymore what was the truth. Had Loki been trying to trick the Frost Giants into coming to us so he could somehow dispose of them? Or was he plotting to betray the kingdom he surveyed, and shutting down the bifrost would only ensure Thor doesn't return? I didn't understand Loki anymore, and I have to admit...I desperately want to.

"Wandering spirit," Heimdal suddenly addressed. I gasped and looked to him. He continued, "Forgive me, I know not who you are." Wow, the memory spell even worked on guardians? That's impressive. "In life I was in love with one of the Princes..." I half explained, purposely leaving information out.

"I don't suppose you mean the villain," he replied. I was quiet for a moment, but Heimdal's expression never changed. He kept a straight stare as I responded. "Odin came to you for information about Thor, I would not have followed if I was in love with Loki," I lied.

"Wrong!" Heimdal's voice rose, but his face remained expressionless. "Try to fool any guardian in any realm with that lie, dear, but I know where your heart and your loyalty remains." With that statement I couldn't tell which part of my lie he caught at first. That I really was in love with Loki, or that the Odin he'd just spoken to wasn't really Odin.

Assuming he would understand what I meant, I asked the guardian, "Are you going to heed the king's orders?" Instead of getting a straight answer I got a trick question: "Is he my king?" Again, I was silent. That could go two ways. One way it's rhetorical, but the other way, it's a test...and I have a feeling Heimdal knew I was being biased when I replied instinctively, "Of course he is!"

With a silence brewing, I flew away in a hurry, a new idea sparking in my mind.

Loki's DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now