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"Loki!" I called once inside the palace. I wasn't sure where he'd gone since I didn't follow right after him before. But to my luck he was in his chambers again. As I passed through the wall I slowed down, seeing he was himself again. And not his composed self. Odin's staff lay on the ground, he was leaning over his knees again, his elbows propping him up, and he was rubbing his eyes. Was he crying?

"Loki," I addressed, wondering if he could hear me without the staff. He looked straight up for a second, then leaned down to grab the staff again. "Serena!" He sounded almost relieved. At hearing his excitement I took a step backwards in shock. What has him riled up? With a wave of his hand I felt myself warm up, I was glowing again. He looked happy and astounded as he saw me...something was seriously wrong.

We stood there for a second, just staring at each other. Me looking perplexed, and him looking more elated than I've ever seen him. He opened his mouth to speak, and I waited for him to find the words. Because he couldn't say a straight sentence without either laughing or, to my shock, choking on cries.

"I finally remember," he quickly stated, nodding hopefully at me. My heart skipped a beat. "What?" I wondered. He walked toward me a little. "I had enough power to bring Luka to life, I have enough to break the memory spell...and I remember everything, Serena." He laughed.

He was noticeably different. This wouldn't be an easy gig for him to pull off. But why just now is he showing he remembers? Did he just come up with an antidote or something?

No matter how conflicted I felt about it, I too was tearing up. Just the thought of having love back terrified and excited me at the same time. I didn't know how to respond as I stared into Loki's eyes....all of the sudden they didn't look so dead to me.

"I can't believe I never realized what I was missing. I knew there had to be something. It was you all along, all those times I messed up...and you were probably with me the entire time. You still owe me a wedding, you know?" He told me. I squinted to let the now stinging tears fall from my eyes. "Can we start where we left off?" He asked. I nodded, unable to speak at all.

I closed my eyes as Loki stepped back and pointed the staff at me. I won't lie, when the rays of light hit me it burned. It was painful but in no time I noticed my glowing golden translucent figure transformed into pale skin. I could feel for a while my heart beginning to pound again in my chest. But when it was all over and the light dispersed, the best part thus far was seeing Loki clearly for the first time in what seemed like forever. He was no longer a blurry painting, he was my old Loki.

Both our mouths hung open in small smiles as we beheld each other for a short time. Both of us started more so than him, though. "You're still the same beautiful princess I lost." Loki commented quietly, trying to act like he wasn't choking up.

That's when I leapt forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, finally letting my sobs out. Most of the reason why I jumped was because I could feel everything again. Embracing anyone after all this time of people walking right through me would've been amazing anyway, and the fact that it's actually Loki makes it all the better. I thought my heart was melting as I felt him wrap his arms around me. My cheeks were rosy red, no doubt.

"I missed you," I cried, barely able to breathe, he held me so tight. But I loved it. "If I wouldn't have been such a coward," he scolded himself, "I would have remembered you...I wouldn't have messed up so many times." I pulled slightly off of him and looked into his eyes again. They were red, though he never admitted he was crying. "I love you so much, Serena," he continued. I sighed and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat while he hugged me.


I woke up to Loki kissing my neck. For a second I giggled at him, but soon quit and begged him to stop. I was exhausted. Neither of us really slept that night, I was lucky to steal the minutes I'd gotten. But Loki heeded my order and instead gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. This time I hummed in delight and ran my hand up his bare shoulder.

"I love you," I told him as he pulled off. He pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you more...and Serena, I swear to never let anything happen to you, or Luka. Not even me again," for a second he smiled at his last comment, but scowled later. He was serious. I stared at him as intently as he did to me for a minute, but I soon scooted towards him, hugging his chest as my response. He kissed the top of my head and held me in his tight embrace.

"Quick question though, Loki," I started, "How did you break the memory spell? " Loki, for a moment laughed, and I felt him shake his head. "I have no idea. Experimenting with spells I'd read in books, desperation..." He trailed off. "Does everyone remember now?" I inquired further. "I honestly have no idea," he told me.

I heard a sudden pounding. At first I thought it was Loki's heart racing, but as I pulled off of him he was looking into he distance with a perplexed expression as well. "Is someone coming?" I wondered as the pounding grew closer. Sounded like someone running through the hallways. "Luka, no doubt," Loki said nonchalantly.

Sure enough, the chamber doors flew open to reveal a winded Luka. He closed the door behind him quietly and turned toward his father and I with wide eyes. "Father, I-" his panic suddenly shifted to terror as he realized what was going on. Loki leaned up and covered me as best he could with the blankets, my back to the doorway. "But if this is a bad time," Luka changed subjects as he turned to the door again, rubbing his eyes. Poor kid, scarred for life at this point...

"Luka," Loki chastised, "What is it?"
Luka turned his head around and made a face that insisted he didn't want to speak in front of me. He must not have recognized me. "Don't mind her," Loki ordered, and for a second I glared at him. But I knew he was just trying to get the information out of Luka if it was bad news.

Luka faced the wall again. "I...may have been spotted," he admitted sorely through gritted teeth. I turned my head back ahead to see Loki throwing himself back on the bed. "The guards, my son, are warriors, they have no wits. They probably think they saw a ghost." He explained. I turned back to see Luka still facing the wall, nodding timidly as if he were scolding himself in his mind.

Loki started to cool down again as he looked at me. He laughed, "Speaking of ghosts, look at who's here." He told Luka. I rolled over to face him, still covering myself as I gave a small wave. "Hi sweetie," I greeted, and Luka's mouth flew open. First in shock. "Mother?! Oh my god I walked in on my parents," he said, slapping his forehead. Next he just laughed. " happy as I am to see you alive, I'll save the pleasantries for later," he told us as he opened the chamber door and sped out out, shaking his head at us.

I stifled a smile at Loki. "It had to happen, right?" I asked. "The scarring moment of him walking in on us like that? Oh yeah, had to happen," he confirmed. We both laughed for a moment, but mine was cut short.

The daylight reminded me of what Loki had to do; to go out and pretend to be Odin. That reminded me of how disgusted I was with Loki, before he remembered me. I remembered how I forgot to ask further about the Frost Giants waiting on the outside of the Asgardian realm. But should I ask now?

While I was in thought, Loki gave me another kiss, then got out of bed to get dressed.

I wondered about Loki's plan. Maybe now since he remembers me and he has love back in his life he'll reconsider whatever malicious plans he has. He hasn't brought anything up about it with me, and with the new plan I have, I won't start those conversations with him either.

As Loki picked up Odin's staff, he walked to my side of the bed and sat down close to me, watching me closely. "Something wrong?" He wondered, as if he didn't already know. Even if he figured there was something wrong, I lied and said there wasn't. "I just love you," I told him with a shrug.

He smiled and repeated the phrase back to me before standing up again. "I'll see you tonight, my queen." He hinted with a wink. I faked a smile as he turned toward the door and transformed into Odin.

"I'll be here," I lied.

Loki's DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now