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"Fine!" Shouted Odin. My lips broke into a full smile. "Really?" I asked hopefully. "A wedding and one night before Loki's banishment! Take the deal or leave it!" He warned me.

I've been begging everyone for more time with Loki ever since they kicked me out of the dungeon yesterday. I persisted my plea to Odin until he finally broke and gave me what I wanted. Well, almost what I wanted...

"And you'll heal him," I bargained. Odin shook his head as he started walking away, out of the throne room, but I followed because he still spoke as he turned away from me. "I told you to take or leave the first offer, Serena." Before he made it down the first hallway I stepped in front of him, actually surprised that he didn't push through me instantly. Instead he sighed intolerantly.

"Let Loki stay in the cell, fine, render him powerless. But you will heal him before he goes to Earth," I demanded, but Odin didn't answer me. "No matter how much you claim to hate him I know you don't want him to be killed. He will be if you send him anywhere in his condition. I can call a bluff, Odin, I'm marrying Loki," I reminded him. "Fine!" Odin surrendered again. I smirked as he walked passed me, but still I trailed after.

"Loki is being banished tomorrow, you can have your trivial wedding tonight," he explained. As we walked I could tell already he was heading for the dungeon. I stopped at the doors as he entered the darkness. "Thank you, Odin! You won't regret this!" I assured him.

"I'm certain I will, Serena. I am most certain I will..." He called back as he disappeared down the staircase. I decided to wait at the top of it.


Everything with these royals takes so long. As I waited outside the dungeon I leaned on the wall across from the entrance, switching back and forth between standing to sitting. Odin and Loki must be fighting or something, especially now since I assume Odin went to see his son to heal him, per my request.

I sighed, sliding down the wall to the stone floor and leaning my head back once more. But as soon as I started to relax I heard my name being called. Looking up, my eyes wide, I thought I'd dreamed it at first. Then I saw him.


Running out of the dungeon. "Serena!" He called happily. I jumped up and began to run to him too, but before we met, the two guards at the dungeon doors detained Loki. For a second both of us complained, yelling for them to let go. Then Odin came up the stairs out of the prison and silenced us all. "Enough! Guards, let him go!" He demanded. They hesitantly complied and Loki took off toward me again.

When he grabbed me I swear it just about knocked the wind out of me. For a minute I let us hold each other, let myself breathe against him. Soon I leaned slightly away, my hands on his shoulders to keep distance between us for another second. I noticed he wasn't beat up anymore, Odin had kept his promise.

With a smile I ran my hand through his short hair, finally letting myself start to tear up. "Thank god you're alright," I said. Quickly he ran his hand up my back and into my hair, pulling me toward him for a kiss.

But our lips never met. "Loki, Serena," Odin interrupted, reminding us he was standing behind us the entire time. Loki didn't let go of me, but we gave Odin our attention. It was then that I noticed...Loki was out of his cell. Odin told me he wouldn't be. "One night," he warned us, staring at Loki. With that comment the king walked away, leaving us unattended.

Right as he disappeared around a corner Loki and I started where we were interrupted. With a kiss. That was what made me really start crying, and Loki felt the tears falling down my cheeks on his. He pulled away from the kiss and smiled as he wiped the tears off my cheek himself.

It didn't help me to stop crying, and I leaned on his shoulder again so he wouldn't see it. "I'm sorry," I told him. Obviously he heard my crying still so he wrapped his arms around me again. "For what?" He wondered, but I knew he knew the answer. "You were hurt, you're going to be hurt even more tomorrow, and it's all my fault, I gave you away," I cried. I felt him laugh and shake his head. "None of this is your fault, Serena. But you'd be worth every bruise," he told me with a small laugh. I didn't say anything else, and I didn't let him either. Instead I leaned up and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt, down to me for another kiss.


No matter how hard I fought Loki last night, saying he should find a way to evade his punishment (like he always does) he kept telling me he wasn't going to run from it anymore. Since when was he so noble? Not that I wasn't impressed with him resisting my ideas...

I'm just torn, that's all. I know he should face his crimes like the good man I know he still is. But I want him to be with me and Luka, here, not on Earth.

What I want doesn't matter. Especially today. The day of Loki's banishment. I've been able to keep an indifferent expression on my face all day, not able to smile, but not yet broken down either. That was until Odin ordered Thor, Luka, me, and a few more guards to come to the bifrost to witness Loki's departure.

I'm standing so still, unable to even look side to side in fear of bawling if I see Loki, or even Luka.

I stared to the heavens, the beautiful night stars showing themselves, flaunting. Almost as if they were called to watch Loki too, I imagined.

All of us have been waiting here for hours now, but Loki or Odin haven't shown up yet. The anticipation was beginning to kill me.

"Mother," Luka said, startling me. I flinched, looking to the side at him. He wore a sorry expression, and it looked like he was trying to speak...he couldn't find the strength. His eyes were welling up with tears, and quickly he looked at the ground.

Soon I began to match his reaction. Except instead of watching him suffer like this I reached forward to give him a hug. He returned my embrace with shaking arms. My poor baby.

To the side of Luka and I, I heard something hit the ground. We both looked to the side...it was Loki. Luka stared ahead with a dead serious expression, but I hid mine all and all because I was quietly sobbing at the sight. Loki had been returned to his previous prisoner state, bruised and broken, worse if anything.

Despite the apparent pain Loki was in, he stood up as Odin trailed behind him, only to be pushed down by the king again. Luka stiffened for a split second, then started to stomp forward toward the scene. He was quickly detained by a guard.

That was when Loki finally looked at us. He shook his head at Luka, and just made mere eye contact with me. After a few seconds I covered my eyes, only to see when I uncovered that he was still staring, only he was standing and shaking his head at me this time. I wasn't supposed to be showing emotion, neither Luka or I were. But I didn't comply to my husband's order.

"Loki Laugheyson," Odin addressed, loud enough for everybody to hear. Loki just glanced at Odin, almost looking annoyed at hearing that name. It seemed like everyone was.

"For your crimes against the realms, you are unworthy of your title. I take your powers and hearby banish you to Midgard. May your ancestors have mercy on your fate. Have you any last words?" Asked Odin, and the bifrost hummed, illuminating behind of Loki.

Odin made that speech so nonchalantly, made me want to react the way Luka did when Odin pushed Loki down.

"Serena and Luka, I love you," Loki stated, glancing between the two of us. Odin soon ended the farewell with a final, "Be gone." Loki complied and turned toward the bifrost, walking toward it and quickly disappearing into the white light.

It felt like I'd stood there for hours. The bifrost soon shut down, Odin and the others started to leave, but I watched the opening to the dim bifrost, expecting Loki to walk through. As if he'd outsmarted Odin, again.

I wish he had.

But a voice rang from behind me, making me lose all hope for good. "I cannot see him..." Said Heimdal softly. That's when I fell to my knees, leaning down more to the ground and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Loki's DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now