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And that's how our story ended. Happily ever after at last.

Luka's warning to the realms didn't spread very fast, which surprised me when I heard because Loki had been in Asgard for weeks and no one showed much concern. Of course a few elders aren't totally convinced of how he's changed for Luka and I, but that doesn't faze him. He's still powerless anyway, he's as harmful as a plain mortal here. Again, Loki doesn't care as long as he has his family.

It seems like we've gone in a full circle. Loki's now the same man again as when I first meant him; caring and sweet...maybe a bit mischievous. But here in Asgard he's perfectly content. He and Luka still get along great, like I'd hoped, even after what Loki told Luka about what he did to make his son King.

We held a proper, honorable burial for Odin (though toward the end I silently believed the hypocrite didn't much deserve it) as the newness of Luka's reign had worn off and everything finally simmered down again.

Things now are...normal. Simple. Natural, despite the hurdles and hoops this Kingdom and this family has jumped. A Half-Frost-Giant as the King of Asgard, but it's normal. Even more Frost Giants roaming the realms, without their hate for Asgardians, now it's normal. Loki changed, this is his new normal...

"Mother!" Called Luka, interrupting my thoughts. I'm just now realizing I'm just standing before the staircase in the throne room. I don't even remember walking in here. But without truly reacting I turn, seeing my son walking toward the center of the room...carrying a child. As I studied the both of them I sped toward Luka.

The little Asgardian girl was hardly a toddler, probably couldn't even walk yet. She stared at me with tired eyes, not scared, but not content either in the King's arms. I gave Luka a confused look and he shook his head sorrowfully.

"Mother, this is Brit. It's been three days, both her parents are nowhere to be found. No matter where father and I have looked--there are soldiers searching both our realms. They're nowhere. But the family watching her got sick and brought her to me, and mother, I don't know what to do," he panicked. On his side little Brit started to frown, as if she could feel Luka's negative energy.

I held my hands up, gesturing for him to calm down. But instead I sparked a reaction from Brit, who reached for me, leaning out. At first I was confused, but Luka understood and he handed her off to me. "Oh," I said quickly, a little shocked as I took the toddler. But as I brought her to my chest she wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. I think she was falling asleep.

Luka grinned, an idea igniting, I could tell. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head slightly, trying not to disturb Brit. I mouthed, "No," but he kept nodding at me. "Mother, maybe her situation isn't so tragic!" He whispered excitedly.

Just then Loki came into the throne room, smirking as he approached our scene...as if he already knew something. And sure enough he turned his head to Luka. "What did I tell you? A natural. I knew it would work," he whispered as he looked at me and Brit again. If I was allowed to speak I would argue...but I wasn't allowed to, so I just stared helplessly between the boys.

"Serena, if we can't find the girl's parents we're her best option. You said wanted more children, right?" Inquired Loki. I half nodded and half shook my head, sighing as I looked at Brit. "But," Luka cut in again, "We will find her parents. It'll be for just a short time mother," he assured me, realizing I was uneasy about the situation.


Luka's promise never came to be true. But little Brit seemed to grow on me, in a way. I never got to take care of Luka as a real baby, and Loki was right, I had wanted more children. Though I think a little Princess makes it all the better...

A new Princess of Asgard....

I told you, everything's changed!

And it's wonderful!


The End

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