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I rubbed my forehead to relieve some of the tiredness that came out of attending a tiresome hour-long meeting which had just finished a few minutes ago. This is the third day of endless meetings and I'm exhausted. We have been going through design and what not but it never came to an end only leaving us enervated.


I turned back to see miss.becky she is the one mr.irvine told i would be working with, originally i was not thrilled about sharing a deal or work whatever it is but i matured about it and miss.becky is really a nice person to work with so i don't really mind she has a unique personality which makes a good company to be with but also she can be quite frank i realised this in the past two day.

"Here" Becky said, placing down a cup of coffee in front of me the aroma instantly made me sigh in relief.

"Thank you so much," I said, grateful for her to bring me a coffee.

"No problem it looks like you need we all need it" she said with a laugh and i joined it. After a few minutes we went down to have lunch together. It is usually like this after a meeting we would relax for a bit and then we eat our lunch while sharing some stories and joking around.

It was like that today also Becky was saying something about the work when my eyes caught Zion walking with his phone down, the all familiar feeling whenever I saw him from a distance took over me. I could not help but to look at him as he was texting and his hair slightly ruffled through the wind making my hand twitch in anticipation. Lately he stopped using gel and let it be there as it is.

I loved it.

The corner of his lips turned upwards while reading something off his phone. Seeing him happy made me happy, a feeling I often felt these days which increased more when I accepted my feelings. I would think about it while in my bed staring at the ceiling which was rare because I would usually fall asleep quickly but not this time I would spend minutes thinking about him, his smile, his eyes and the way he talked , everything about him made me happy. This made me want to talk to him again and again but unfortunately I never had time. I have been busy with work and he is busy with his so we never really had a proper conversation in days. Everytime i tried going to him, work would suddenly pop out of nowhere and by the time I finished it, Zion had been called for another meeting and I had also been busy spending time with Becky. I found it impossible to deny her request.

And i can also say that he is also trying to meet me i would see him where i'm working waiting at door his eyes would be searching mine and i would always catch his eyes before he did because i was on my way to meet him but again i would stop by becky i can't really blame her even if i wanted to, she is just doing her job and i cant hate her for that. But it seems that the universe is literally against us meeting.

I remembered yesterday I had heard her knock from the door of my room. It was a little after eight o'clock. We were done for the day and I just washed my face and changed into something comfortable. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to who would knock on my door because everyone was tired and went to their own room. Sighing, I stood up and went to the door when I opened a surprised gasp that left my mouth at the sight of zion.

"Zion??" I was completely shocked because he never visited my room in the evening.


"Hi" I said a little breathless because after days this was the first time im seeing him this close and my mind went into a dizzy mode and the fact that he was dressed nicely did not do much to the fact. The white shirt made his eyes pop out more. The blue was so bright making my eyes not move away from him. I know he is very handsome but the fact that I loved him made him more beautiful to my eyes.

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