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Break this floor on fire, break it down on fire.

Walking casually inside their lair, Juyeon headed straight to his own room after meeting up with Hyunjun and driving Helena home two times for this day. He threw himself on his own bed, allowing the soft mattress to relax him. He laid down for good minutes before getting back up in his own feet.

Juyeon slid his shirt off of his upper body, getting himself half naked. He placed his used shirt inside the laundry basket before getting a new one from his closet. Just as he got a grab ahold of the shirt from his closet, someone barged in inside his room.

"Juyeon, did you happen to see─oh, nevermind what was finding. I really like what I found just now."

"What do you want?" asked Juyeon after rolling his eyes and hung his shirt by his shoulder, remaining half naked.

"You," Sunwoo grinned while wiggling his eyebrows, eyes traveling down on Juyeon's bare chest and stomach.

"Fuck you," Juyeon hissed before quickly slipping his shirt on, making Sunwoo to stifle a laugh.

"There, I can finally talk without being distracted," Sunwoo chortles before clearing his throat. "As I was saying earlier before I got interrupted, did you happen to see or know where the journal for codes is? For real, it doesn't stay in one place. It would definitely not surprise me if it was buried six feet under the ground right now."

Juyeon immediately shook his head after the younger boy have spoken. Either way, he doesn't know where the journal of codes is. Juyeon, being part of the group's assassination team, doesn't deal with the technical works even though he is skilled enough to do so.

"I haven't seen it," Juyeon honestly tells Sunwoo. "Try asking the others," he suggested.

"But I need it now," Sunwoo groaned, almost sounding like a whine. "Tomorrow midnight is gonna be big for us."

What Sunwoo just said made Juyeon to realize something. Clearly, he doesn't want to say a name since it annoys him for some reason, but he needs to.

"That classy piece of shit might know where the journal for codes is," said Juyeon, sounding annoyed.

That made Sunwoo to furrow his eyebrows. "Classy piece of shit?" he repeated. "You mean, Hyunjun?"

Juyeon only hummed in response before throwing himself back on his bed with his eyes closed. Sunwoo then sensed something when he remembered that Juyeon and Hyunjun met up earlier that night.

"Lee," Sunwoo calls out to the latter. "Did something happen between the two of you? Not saying his name is definitely fishy, ya know."

"Why assume with that?" asked Juyeon in a sleepy voice.

"Because I know you from head to toe and much deeper inside your damn body and soul," Sunwoo responded with his eyes all round and grinning like a maniac.

Juyeon only buried his head deeper onto the mattress as drowsiness started to fly him to his own dreamland. Meanwhile, Sunwoo crossed his arms against his chest, annoyed that the latter slept on him.

"Fuck you, Juyeon, seriously," Sunwoo groaned out of annoyance.

Just then, Juyeon raised up a finger towards Sunwoo before his hand fell back onto the mattress again. He definitely fell asleep after that.

"Sucker," Sunwoo hissed before sticking his tongue out to an asleep Juyeon before scurrying out of the latter's room.

The boy then immediately contacted Hyunjun through a phone call. It took a few seconds before the latter answered the call.

"Sorry for the sudden disturbance, my love," Sunwoo greeted as his call was picked up. "I just need to ask you something urgent."

"Spill," Hyunjun coldly spoke from the other line.

"The journal for codes. Do you know where it is?" he asks the latter. "I can't find it anywhere, goodness damn."

There was a brief silence on the other line. Hyunjun was probably thinking on when he last saw the thing that Sunwoo is finding.

"My place, under the gray pillow."

"Like, the pillow on your bed?" asked Sunwoo as he ran onto the highest floor of the building. When he arrived in front of Hyunjun's room, the door was locked.

"The date when I joined the group, my birthdate in reverse, and then my phone number with the first two digits exchanged positions, repeat the sequence until you reach the last number."

"Love, this one is a long-ass ride," Sunwoo commented as he started to work on with the code of Hyunjun's room. "Who else knows this code?"

"Only you and me," Hyunjun briefly responded.

"Aww," Sunwoo cooed at what Hyunjun said. "You are making me fluster, love," he added when he finally entered the latter's room.

"Mmhmm, glad to know that," said Hyunjun. "Have you found the journal?"

"Yes, sir!" Sunwoo enthusiastically exclaimed when he got ahold of the journal that he is searching for. "Wait, let me ask you something."

"Go on."

After Sunwoo had exited and locked Hyunjun's room once again, he looked around and tried to make sure that no one is nearby.

"I can sense that something happened between you and Juyeon when you two met earlier. So, am I right?"

"I told him."

"Told him what?" Sunwoo whispered as he snuck inside his own room, leaning on the door after closing it.

"My feelings for Helena."

Sunwoo almost choked out, followed by a dramatic gasp leaving his mouth. "Love, you really are one of a kind! Damn, I'm so proud of you, holy shit."

"Stop acting like I freaking confessed to Helena," Hyunjun chuckled on the other line. "He's so possessive over Helena. Clearly, he had fallen for her."

"Uhm, I don't like this one," Sunwoo laughed nervously.

"Too bad for Juyeon," Hyunjun chuckled. "It might be hard for him to make Helena fall for him."

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